Felix Jaeger

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Felix Jaeger
Personal information
Age 40, by the time of Orcslayer
Race Human
Current status Alive Image:Blank.JPG
Profession Poet, Adventurer

Felix Jaeger is a major fictional character in the Gotrek and Felix series of books that are set in the Warhammer Fantasy universe. His long time companion is Dwarf Slayer, Gotrek Gurnisson

Felix was once a poet. Son of a wealthy wool merchant he attended a prestigious University and had a promising career as a poet in front of him. Unfortunately he was expelled from his university after accidentally killing a fellow student in a duel. Felix ran away from home after the incident and became involved in the infamous window tax riots of Altdorf, which he unwittingly instigated. The Reiksguard, ordered by Emperor Karl Franz himself to pacify the mob, charged headlong into the citizens of Altdorf, with disastrous results.

Felix was almost killed, were it not for the intervention of Gotrek Gurnisson, a dwarf of the slayer cult. Gotrek cut down many of the Emperor's personal guard, instantly earning them both a price on their heads. Felix took to a drunken bar crawl with the dwarf through the streets of the imperial capital that night, and woke up hungover and more - He realised that whilst in a druken stupor, he had pledged to follow the death seeking slayer across the world and record his eventual, inevitable doom in an epic poem.

Felix has long since given up on any hope of ever returning to his family alive since if something was strong enough to kill the immensely powerful Gotrek most likely it would be able to kill Felix too. However, the chapters of the books in the series are prefaced as if they were books written by Felix, implying that he did in fact manage to somehow survive whatever mighty doom fate had in store for the Slayer. He has by the time of the book Orcslayer travelled with Gotrek for over 20 years, and is now over 40 years old himself.

Felix wields Karaghul, a blade with a dragon hilt recovered from the fallen hold of Karak Eight Peaks; a relic of the Order of the Fiery Heart templars, it was forged for the purpose of slaying dragons. Although a talented swordsman and capable of holding his own in a fight it is regularly his companion that saves him from often certain death.

He has appeared as one of the two lead characters in all eight of the Gotrek & Felix novel series, written by William King and (From Orcslayer onwards) Nathan Long, published by the Black Library. Felix also appeared in the 1992 edition of Games workshops "Warhammer armies: The Empire", in a short story featuring Gotrek and another of his companions from the black library series, Snorri Nosebiter.