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Fehrbellin is a town in Germany, located 60 km NW of Berlin. It has 9310 inhabitants as of 2005.
In 1675, the Battle of Fehrbellin was fought there, in which the troops of Brandenburg defeated those of occuping Sweden.
[edit] Sights
Cities and towns in Ostprignitz-Ruppin
Breddin | Dabergotz | Dreetz | Fehrbellin | Heiligengrabe | Herzberg | Kyritz | Lindow | Märkisch Linden | Neuruppin | Neustadt an der Dosse | Rheinsberg | Rüthnick | Sieversdorf-Hohenofen | Storbeck-Frankendorf | Stüdenitz-Schönermark | Temnitzquell | Temnitztal | Vielitzsee | Walsleben | Wittstock | Wusterhausen/Dosse | Zernitz-Lohm