Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine

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Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine
Федерація профспілок України
Founded 1991
Members 11 million
Country Ukraine
Head union Oleksandr Yurkin
Affiliation ITUC
Office location Kiev, Ukraine
Website http://www.fpsu.org.ua/eng/

The Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine (FPU) is an all-Ukrainian voluntary association of trade unions that have the status of all-Ukrainian trade unions and associations of trade union organisations of the Crimea, regions and the city of Kyiv. It is the largest trade union confederation in Ukraine. It unites over 10 million trade union members. As of September 1, 2006 the Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine consists of 44 all-Ukrainian trade unions and 26 territorial associations of trade unions.

The Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Ukraine was established after Ukraine became independent on October 6, 1990. The Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Ukraine was a successor of the Ukrainian Republican Council of Trade Unions. The declaration about the creation of the FITUU was signed by 25 republican sectoral trade unions and 24 regional intersectoral associations of trade unions.

In November 1992 at the 2nd (Extraordinary) Congress the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Ukraine was renamed in the Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine.

The aim of the FPU activities is to express and represent interests and protect rights of its member organisations, coordinate their collective actions, promote unity of trade union movement, represent and protect labour and socio-economic rights and interests of trade union members before the state and local authorities, in relations with employers and their organisations and associations and also with other citizens’ associations.

The FPU main tasks are protection of labour, socio-economic rights and interests of trade union members; social protection of trade union members and their families; legal protection of trade union members; strengthening of its influence on political life and formation of the civil society; improvement of the social partnership system: trade unions, employers, state; development of cooperation with other trade unions and their associations; equality of rights and opportunities for men and women; strengthening of the FPU as the most representative trade union centre in Ukraine; widening of FPU international relations.

At the international level FPU is affiliated to the International Trade Union Confederation and General Confederation of Trade Unions.

The Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine is participating in the UN Global Compact.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  • (2005) in ICTUR et al,: Trade Unions of the World, 6th, London, UK: John Harper Publishing. ISBN 0-9543811-5-7.