Federal Court (Canada)

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The Federal Court is Canada's national trial court that hears cases arising under certain federal Acts. The court was created on July 2, 2003 by the Courts Administration Service Act when it and the Federal Court of Appeal were split from their predecessor, the Federal Court of Canada.


[edit] Structure

The Federal Court consists of a Chief Justice and thirty-two other judges. Currently, there are 29 full-time judges (leaving four vacancies in the Court), along with three supernumerary judges, three deputy judges, and six prothonotaries.

Law Clerks are hired for one-year terms to help the judges research and prepare decisions. They are generally assigned to a particular judge.

[edit] Jurisdiction

The Federal Court hears cases involving disputes concerning many federally enacted laws, including judicial review of immigration decisions, intellectual property, admiralty (maritime) law, and aboriginal law. The Court has the authority to judicially review decisions made by most federal boards, commissions, and administrative tribunals, and to resolve lawsuits by or against the federal government.

Decisions of the Federal Court may be appealed to the Federal Court of Appeal.

[edit] Judges, Prothonotaries and Clerks

The Chief Justice

The Honourable Allan Lutfy


The Honourable James K. Hugessen *

The Honourable Yvon Pinard, P.C. *

The Honourable Frederick E. Gibson *

The Honourable Sandra J. Simpson

The Honourable Danièle Tremblay-Lamer

The Honourable Douglas R. Campbell

The Honourable Pierre Blais, P.C.

The Honourable François Lemieux

The Honourable John A. O'Keefe

The Honourable Elizabeth Heneghan

The Honourable Dolores Hansen

The Honourable Eleanor R. Dawson

The Honourable Edmond P. Blanchard

The Honourable Michael A. Kelen

The Honourable Michel Beaudry

The Honourable Luc Martineau

The Honourable Carolyn Layden-Stevenson

The Honourable Simon Noël

The Honourable Judith A. Snider

The Honourable James Russell

The Honourable Johanne Gauthier

The Honourable James O'Reilly

The Honourable Sean J. Harrington

The Honourable Richard Mosley

The Honourable Michel M.J. Shore

The Honourable Michael L. Phelan

The Honourable Anne L. Mactavish

The Honourable Yves de Montigny

The Honourable Roger T. Hughes

The Honourable Robert L. Barnes

  • Supernumerary

Deputy Judges

The Honourable Paul Rouleau

The Honourable Barry L. Strayer

The Honourable Max M. Teitelbaum

The Honourable W. Andrew MacKay

The Honourable Maurice E. Lagacé


Richard Morneau

Roza Aronovitch

Roger Lafrenière

Mireille Tabib

Martha Milczynski


Adam Zanna

Dan Wallace

Dorette Pollard

Karine Richer

Nyall Engfield

Jamie Liew

Patrick Robinson

Jeff Roberts

Christine Becker

Rachel Halperin

Véronique Gaudette

Barbara Harvey

Caterina Chiocchio

Aniz Alani

Jessica Reekie

Julie Jauron

Jason Steele

Pauline Lin

Heather Frederick

Talitha Nabbali

Jessica Young

Airlie McGhee

Alexandra Felton

Karen Hamilton

Nadine Roy

Zachary Ansley

Lan An

Lise Rivet

Michelle Merry

Matthew Sherrard

Belle Van

[edit] External link

Courts of Canada (edit)
Supreme Court: Supreme Court of Canada
Federal Courts: Tax Court of Canada |Federal Court |Federal Court of Appeal
Courts of Appeal of the Provinces and Territories: BC | AB | SASK | MAN | ONT | QC | NB | NS | PEI | NL | YK | NWT | NU
Superior Courts of the Provinces and Territories: BC | AB | SASK | MAN | ONT | QC | NB | NS | PEI | NL | YK | NWT | NU
Provincial Courts of the Provinces and Territories: BC | AB | SASK | MAN | ONT | QC | NB | NS | PEI | NL | YK | NWT | NU
Military Court: Court Martial Appeal Court
Canadian Courts History in the Provinces and Territories: SASK