Wikipedia:Featured sound criteria

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Featured content:

Featured sound tools:

A featured sound file:

  1. Is of high quality. It is of high fidelity and technical quality, free of noise and distortion, sonic artifacts and compression artifacts. Musical performances should be executed with competence.
    • This requirement holds strongest for contemporary recordings made under controlled conditions (i.e. musical performances). However, exceptions can be made for recordings taken under extenuating circumstances.
  2. Is among Wikipedia's best work. It is a musical performance, environmental field recording or historical recording that exemplifies Wikipedia's very best work. Spoken Wikipedia readings of articles are outside the scope of this project.
  3. Has a free license. It is available in the public domain or under a free license. Fair use recordings, or musical performances that employ compositions or settings under fair use are not allowed.
  4. Adds value to an article and helps readers to understand an article.
  5. Is accurate. It is supported by facts in the article or references cited on the file description page.
  6. Has a good caption. The sound is displayed with a descriptive, informative and complete caption. The sound description page has an extended description that gives a sense of the file for users who cannot play or hear it; the page also includes or links to the musical score (if available in digital format) or transcript, as appropriate.

[edit] See also