Feature-oriented positioning

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Feature-oriented positioning (FOP)[1] is a method of precision movement of the scanning microscope probe across the surface under investigation. With this method, surface features[1] are used as reference points (points of probe attachment). Actually, FOP is a simplified embodiment of the feature-oriented scanning (FOS)[1] when instead of acquisition of a topographical image of some surface area only probe movement by the features of this surface is executed. The movement is carried out from a starting point A (neighborhood of a starting feature) of the surface to an ending point B (neighborhood of an ending feature) along some rout passing by intermediate features of the surface. Beside the mentioned, it is acceptable to use another title of the method — object-oriented positioning (OOP).

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b c R. V. Lapshin, “Feature-oriented scanning methodology for probe microscopy and nanotechnology”, Nanotechnology, volume 15, issue 9, pages 1135-1151, 2004.