Fazil Jamili

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Fazil Jamili ( born 1968) is an emerging Urdu Poet from Pakistan. He graduated from Federal Urdu College, Karachi. Currently, he is working with the Jang Group of Newspapers as a news editor in Daily Awam. He has been active in struggle for journalists' rights and has twice been elected as general secretary of Karachi Union of Journalists. His poems like darakhon key liyee aik nazm, aalmi maqtool and iqbal e jurm are considered new dimensions of Urdu Poetry.

[edit] NEW PROGRESSIVE THOUGHTS by Zulqarnain Shahid

There are many voices in Pakistan , which are connected in a loose way with the progressive thoughts, and will definitely come into their own when such a movement like Progressive Movement takes shape again. Amongst such voices, I recently listening to Fazil Jamili reciting his poem on environment, titled Darakhton ke liyay ek Nazm. Fazil has been on forefront of poetic sessions for quite a while now. He has made a name for himself for poems on the envirnment. Fazil is blessed with a voice that is like a flow of the lilting rural spring. His appreciation of the nature comes from his belonging to the rural life. Fazil Jamili was born in a small village called Pind Khankhel, near Haripur Hazara, in 1968. During the fifth class, he started to maintain a diary, in which he used to note down the favourite couplets of famous poets. When he was transferred to the High School, Kot Najibullah, he discovered a big library there, which had been maintained from before the partition days. He took special interest in poetry, and studied all the genre of the poetry. Soon, his teacher Mehboob Elahi Nazim helpd with poetic modification, and Fazil turned seriously towards writing poetry. He became the president of the Bazm-e-Adab, and specially his romantic poetry thrilled the people. Later on he in guidance of Qazi Jamil-ur-Rahman, he got a place in literary circle of Hazara Division. Today, his diction includes new issues like environment, conflicts and anti-nuclearisation. His poems like Samandar peh yaad aaney wali aik Nazm and Darakhton ke liyey ek Nazm are his most beautiful ones, with a message for the world, which would translate well in English and other European languages.

Unfortunately, we dont have such well wishers of literature today in large numbers amongst the literary community, who would help their fellow intellectuals by translating their works and sending them across in the west. The fresshness of Fazil Jamili's poems tell the readers that progressive thought, as a learned reaction, is brugoing in the hearts and minds of the younger poet.(Weekly Mag,Karachi).

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