User:Faye Kane
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Hi, I'm Faye!
I have degrees in astronomy and computer science but just drift through life doing graphic art because everyone in the corporate world is either evil or (mainly) stupid, even at the nuclear engineering company which was my last job.
I have autism which means I don't understand why people get mad when all I do is be honest. I also don't understand why everybody else treats each other so mean and why they tell lies virtually continuously, like they can't control it. Also, I don't understand normal peoples' jokes and they never understand mine. Mainly, it means I can't tell what's "appropriate". I completely lack the cognitice facility to make that inference. To me, everything is either real or fake, true or false. I have absolutely no idea how other people tell what's "polite", other than the fact that I frequently don't do it.
I designed the neutron monitor (and won an award for it), and did the interface for a gamma ray spectrometer, but quit when I talked about something apparently "inappropriate", and peoples' reaction freaked me out, so I just walked out. I never even called them back.
I am HORRIBLY shy (at least I think that's how to describe it. I don't FEEL like I'm shy). I live by myself with little Mister Kitty, and that's all I want. Being around people, especially crowds, is very, very confusing and upsetting for me, even if I'm just standing there against the wall.
I'm fascinated with the thought of two people of different sexes being naked in a room, alone. God! The whole idea is amazing and strange and frightening and exciting all at the same time. How could they look at each other? How could they talk? God, I'm embarrrassed even to talk to the cashier at the store... and SHE'S another GIRL!
I like the internet because I can learn stuff and because when I DO message someone, I don't have to come up with things to say like I'm on stage, like you do when you talk on the phone.
The Hensel twins (who look like an ordinary 16-year old girl... with two heads). They are "strange" too, but somehow they figured out how to have people not think of them as a mutant. I wish I could do that. Being "smart" is just another thing that makes you different from other people. And being "cute" doesn't make anyone LIKE you; it just makes guys want to climb on you. They still hate you for being smarter than them, and they laugh at you behind your back.
Being "cute" and being "smart" are two ways of being a mutant that makes other people jealous of you and mad at you just for existing.
As far as I can tell, all grown-ups are horrible and evil, but I can't say that anymore, both because I am one, supposedly, and because I have no one to say it to.
"In mathematics and art, the only materials are pen and paper. Male conspiracy cannot explain all female failures; genius is not checked by social obstacles. Men's relentless drive, so disgusting in the talentless, is the source of their greatness. I marvel at the rarity of the woman driven by artistic and intellectual obsession. There has never been a female Einstein for the same reason there has never been a female Marquis de Sade". --- Dr. Camille Paglia, Yale graduate,professor of humanities, and advocate of pornography
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Me, naked and vulnerable both physically and emotionally