Fathi Eljahmi

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Fathi Eljahmi is an imprisoned Libyan dissident. In early 2004 he, his wife, and his eldest son were taken into custody. The situation was publicized [1] by Claudia Rosett, a columnist for the Wall Street Journal. An update on November 9, 2004 [2] confirms that Eljahmi is languishing in a Libyan prison, in poor health and scheduled to be put on trial. Rosett reported on June 15, 2005 that Eljahmi remains in prison, "surviving," but his wife and son have been released. [3]

Rosett introduced her column's readers to Eljahmi in March, 2004. She reported that he "was sentenced in 2002 to five years in prison for stating at a 'People's Conference' in suburban Tripoli that reform in Libya would require a constitution, free speech and democracy." [4]

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