Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences

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The Nova Southeastern University Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences is headquarted in the Parker Building on the main campus, but classes are offered at buildings throughout the main campus, as well as online.


[edit] Bachelor's Degree Programs

•American Studies
•Applied Professional Studies
•Computer Engineering Technology
•Computer Studies
•Information Technologies
•Natural Science
•Substance Abuse Studies
•Athletic Training
•Biology (Premedical)
•Communication Studies
•Computer Information Systems
•Computer Science T
•Criminal Justice
•Environmental Science/Studies
•International Studies
•Legal Studies
•Marine Biology
•Paralegal Studies

[edit] Master's Programs


[edit] Dual Admissions Program

Nova Southeastern University offers dual admission to bachelor’s degree programs of the Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences and to selected graduate and first professional degree programs. Students apply to both undergraduate and graduate or professional programs at the same time. Students admitted to the Dual Admission Program are assured of their place in an NSU graduate or professional school at the time they enter NSU, as long as they meet program criteria. Some of the programs include:
•B.S. Marine Biology/M.S. Marine Biology
•B.S. Biology/D.O. Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine
•B.S. Biology/Pharm.D. Doctor of Pharmacy
•B.S. Biology/D.M.D. Doctor of Dental Medicine
•B.S./M.B.A. Master of Business Administration
•B.S. Psychology/Psy.D. Doctor of Psychology
•B.A. or B.S./J.D. Juris Doctor

[edit] Lifelong Learning Institute

The Lifelong Learning Institute is a department of the Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences at Nova Southeastern University with the mission to create opportunities for lifestyle enrichment, health, and wellness for older adults. This is achieved in a unique social environment that fosters intellectual challenge and stimulation balanced by entertainment and companionship. These lifelong learning opportunities contribute to improved wellness and increased quality of life. A secondary objective is to create a unique intergenerational link between students in the many colleges of Nova Southeastern University and LLI members. Students and LLI members interact in ways that foster greater understanding of each others’ histories and lives. Students learn about the social, emotional, and physiological experiences of a healthy elder population. LLI members gain access to fresh insights from the next generation of doctors, lawyers, writers, artists, and other professionals.

Nova Southeastern University
Colleges and Schools
Farquhar College of Arts and SciencesShepard Broad Law CenterH. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and EntrepreneurshipOceanographic CenterCenter for Psychological Studies
Graduate School of Computer and Information SciencesFischler School of Education and Human ServicesGraduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Health Professions Division
College of Dental MedicineCollege of Osteopathic MedicineCollege of PharmacyCollege of OptometryCollege of Medical SciencesCollege of Allied Health and Nursing
Other Facilites on Campus
The University SchoolRose and Alfred Miniaci Performing Arts CenterThe University CenterMiami Dolphins Training Facility