Farlington, Portsmouth
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Farlington is a district of Portsmouth. It is located in the north east of the city and is not actually on Portsea Island. Farlington was incorporated into the city in 1932 and now forms a continuous development with Cosham and Drayton.
Farlington was a small rural community for the majority of its existence. In 1891 a racecourse, called 'Portsmouth Park', was built in Farlington, between the Havant road and the shoreline. This new course was built with all of the modern facilities available at the time, including its own railway station, with the intention of tirning it into premier tracks. However race meetings were suspended during World War One and the War Office turned the course into one of the country's biggest ammunition dumps. After hostilities ceased, the War Office held control of the site and it was not released 1929 when it was bought by Portsmouth City Council. The council then sold on the land for private housing development, eventually leading to the end of Farlington as a distinct community.
Farlington is also home of the Portsmouth Water Company's filtration beds. This began in 1812 when Thomas Smith built a reservoir to hold spring water from Farlington Marshes. The works were built in 1908 and by 1924 there were 5 reservoirs and 8 sand filters. Many of the local roads to the North of the Havant Road were named after senior company officers. Amongst these are Grant, Woodfield, Galt, Gillman and Evelegh.
The parish church is St Andrew's, situated at the Eastern end of the district on the main Havant Road. Adjacent to the church on the west side once stood Farlington House which was demolished in the 1960s to make way for a new housing estate that extended Old Rectory Road.
Farlington was also home to Farlington Redoubt which was part of the "Palmerston's Folly" defence ring of forts around Portsmouth. They were built to protect the city from a possible French invasion. The defences were ordered by the then Prime Minister, Palmerston. However, peace with France ensued before these defences were finished, hence the title "Palmeston's Folly". The redoubt was demolished in the early 1960s however some of the other forts still remain, such as Forts Purbrook, Widley and Southwick.