Farid Dms Debah

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Farid Dms Debah (born 19 July 1976 in Paris) is a french film director, script writer and producer.


[edit] Biography

He lived his early childhood in Algeria, where he was introduced to music and recorded his first 45 along with his older brother and sister.

At 16, he returned to France and founded his first computer company. Curious and entrepreneurial by nature, he carried on and at 18 became an anchor man and producer at a local radio station. At the same time, he was working towards a degree in show-business. Shortly after obtaining his diploma he began organizing world music concerts in and around Paris.

At 20, and via his first short film production company DMS Productions, he directed his first short film entitled Venin Mortel starring Elodie Navarre. The story gave a vivid portrayal of a drug addict. The film was selected at several European film festivals, including the "Vidéothèque de Paris" and "la Cinémathèque d'Alger". Encouraged by this success, he started writing the script for his first feature film.

At 21, Farid was appointed by Foreign Affairs Department to work with High Council of Youth in Algeria. In this position he was in charge of dealing with bi-national youth and participated in several seminars in Algiers. He also had the unique opportunity to meet United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan during the Youth World Festival in Lisbon, Portugal.

At 24, he started the film production company Evasion Films and vowed to dedicate himself to his real passion - cinema.

In 2002, Farid was awarded Beaumarchais Best Script award (Beaumarchais du meilleur scénario de l'année 2002) for "Le Génie de la Théière". He also directed the short film Art'n Acte Production awarded at several international festivals and broadcast on TPS STAR. The film staring Cristiana Réali and Rachid Arhab.

He also engaged in animated film productions such as The Firecracker and Flying Baby, directed by Yves Courbet. The Firecracker was awarded "Le Grand Prix Hermès au Festival du Film de Fréjus" in France.

Complementing his talents as a script-writer, he worked as executive producer and director on several music videos (Daddy Yod, Just a Man, Takfarinas, etc.) for well-known French musical production companies such as M6 Interactions and Sony BMG.

In August of 2004, he agreed with his partners to rename Evasion Films to "DMS DEBAH Films".

In October 2004, he directed and produced a short film in 35mm Scope staring Elodie Navarre. The film was entitled Le Bourreau des innocents (The Executioner of the Innocents).

During January 2005, he produced a short film by the emerging director Franck Allera entitled Sentence Finale, including great talent such as Hans Meyer, Didier Flamand, Gabrielle Lazure, Marie Merger and Elodie Navarre.

In the summer of 2005, he produced and directed several commercials for the Algerian market for Mobilis, a cellular phone operator.

In September 2005, he wrote an introduction to the biography of his friend Ilario Calvo entitled A gauche de l'écran. He also prepared a 90 minutes documentary about the death of the Italian filmmaker Pier Paolo Pasolini.

Farid is currently in pre-production of 3 short films 35mm along with developing a series of animated films 3D entitled Namoos, starring two crazy mosquitoes.

Farid is also working on the production of his first feature film. The shooting is scheduled for the upcoming months. He is additionally adapting one of his scripts entitled Nocent into a novel.

[edit] Filmography

[edit] Director

Year Title
2011 Le Village des deux anciens - Script
2010 Fatale Etrême - Script
2009 Nocent- Pre-production
2008 Les enfants de Bram aka The Bram Children - Pre-production
2006 Le Bourreau des innocents aka The Executioner of the Innocents
2003 Art'n Acte Production
2002 Lucie Carrasco - Une histoire d'hommes
2002 The Making of Art'n Acte Production
1996 Venin mortel

[edit] Script writer

Year Title Director(s)
2011 Le Village des deux anciens Farid Dms Debah
2010 Fatale Etrême Farid Dms Debah
2009 Nocent Farid Dms Debah
2006 Le Bourreau des innocents aka The Executioner of the Innocents Farid Dms Debah
2006 Namoos Yves Courbet
2003 Art'n Acte Production Farid Dms Debah
2002 Lucie Carrasco - Une histoire d'hommes Farid Dms Debah et Bina Znamirowski
2002 The Making of Art'n Acte Production Farid Dms Debah
1996 Venin mortel Farid Dms Debah

[edit] Producer

Year Title Director(s)
2011 Le Village des deux anciens - Script Farid Dms Debah
2010 Fatale Etrême - Script Farid Dms Debah
2009 Nocent - Pre-production Farid Dms Debah
2008 Les enfants de Bram aka The Bram Children - Pre-production Farid Dms Debah
2006 Le Bourreau des innocents aka The Executioner of the Innocents'' Farid Dms Debah
2006 Sentence finale Franck Allera
2006 Namoos Yves Courbet
2003 Art'n Acte Production Farid Dms Debah
2003 Flying Baby Yves Courbet
2003 The Firecracker Yves Courbet
2002 Lucie Carrasco - Une histoire d'hommes Farid Dms Debah et Bina Znamirowski
2002 The Making of Art'n Acte Production Farid Dms Debah
1996 Venin mortel Farid Dms Debah

[edit] External links

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