Faraday Institute

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Faraday Institute Logo

The Faraday Institute is a research institute at St Edmund's College, Cambridge. The institute was set up in January 2006 by a grant from the John Templeton Foundation. The institute's three aims are:

  1. Scholarly research and publication on science and religion, including the organisation of invited groups of experts to write joint publications.
  2. To provide short-term courses in science and religion.
  3. To organise seminars and lectures on science and religion.

The Institute has eight staff based at St Edmund's College in Cambridge (UK). It is also linked informally to a group of "Faraday Associates", based mainly within the scientific community, who are active in the science-religion dialogue through publishing and lecturing.

The Faraday Institute is named after the British scientist Michael Faraday who saw his faith as integral to his scientific research.

[edit] Faraday Advisory Board

[edit] Faraday Associates

  • Prof. Stephen Blundell (University of Oxford, UK; Physics)
  • Dr Katherine Blundell (University of Oxford, UK; Astrophysics)
  • Prof. Derek Burke (previously Vice-Chancellor, University of East Anglia, UK; Molecular Biology)
  • Dr Peter Childs (University of Limerick, Ireland; Chemistry)
  • Prof. Peter Clarke (University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Neuroscience)
  • Dr Alasdair Coles (University of Cambridge, UK; Neuroimmunology)
  • Dr Jonathan Doye (University of Cambridge, UK; Chemistry)
  • Prof. Dr Barbara Drossel (Darmstadt University, Germany; Physics)
  • Dr Paul Fairchild (University of Oxford, UK; Immunology)
  • Dr Lisa Goddard (University of Chester, UK; Biochemistry/Theology)
  • Prof. Sir Brian Heap (St, Edmund’s College, Cambridge, UK; Sustainability)
  • Prof. Colin Humphreys (University of Cambridge, UK; Material Science)
  • Dr Lydia Jaeger (Institut Biblique, Nogent-sur-Marne, France; Philosophy/Theology)
  • Dr Paul Joshua (Mylapore Institute for Indigenous Studies, India; Philosophy/Theology)
  • Dr Stuart Judge (University of Oxford, UK; Neurophysiology)
  • Dr Rina Knoeff (University of Leiden, The Netherlands; History of Science)
  • Dr Simon Kolstoe (Southampton University, UK; Biochemistry)
  • Wang-Yen Lee (University of Cambridge, UK; Philosophy)
  • Prof. Peter Lipton (University of Cambridge, UK; Philosophy)
  • Dr Ard Louis (University of Cambridge, UK; Chemistry)
  • Nicole Maturen (Natural History Museum, UK; evolutionary biology)
  • Dr Chiranjib Mitra (University of London, UK; Nanotechnology)
  • Dr Peter Moore (Trinity College, Bristol, UK; Genetics/Science Writer)
  • Prof. Joe Perry (BBSRC, Rothamsted Research: Quantitative ecology)
  • Dr Justus Piater (University of Liege, Belgium; Computer Science)
  • Prof. Wilson Poon (University of Edinburgh, UK; Physics)
  • Dr Vinoth Ramachandra (IFES, Colombo, Sri Lanka; Theology/Physics)
  • Revd. Dr Patrick Richmond (St. Catharine’s College, Cambridge, UK; Philosophy/Theology)
  • Dr Gunter M. Schütz (Institut für Festkörperforschung, Jülich, Germany; Physics)
  • Dr Paul Shellard (University of Cambridge, UK; Cosmology)
  • Dr Richard Whaite (University of London, UK; History & Philosophy of Science)
  • Revd. Dr David Wilkinson (University of Durham; Cosmology/Theology)

[edit] External links