Talk:Fantasia Contrappuntistica

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[edit] Versions

[edit] Version 1

"Große Fuge-Kontrapunktische Fantasie über Bachs letztes unvollendetes Werk für Klavier ausgeführt von Ferruccio Busoni" (1910 Schirmer, New York).

  • Part 1: Adaptation of Fugues I-III, Completion of III.
  • Part 2: Intermezzo with three Variations.
  • Part 3: Cadenza, Fuga IV, Coda.

[edit] Version 2

"Fantasia contrappuntistica". Preludio al Corale 'Gloria al Signore nei Cieli' e fuga a quattro sogetti obbligati sopra un frammento di Bach. Editione definitiva, Giugno 1910".

  • Part 1: Coral, Adaptation of Fugues I-III, Completion of III.
  • Part 2: Intermezzo with three Variations.
  • Part 3: Cadenza, Fuga IV, Coda, Stretta.

[edit] Version 3

"Preludio al Corale e fuga sopra un frammento di Bach (edizione minore della Fantasia Contrappuntistica)". (1912)

Version with new edited coral (?). Fugues from Bach original, and continuation arbiter than in the previous versions.

[edit] Version 4

Fantasia Contrappuntistica", Choral-Variationen über "Allein Gott in der Höh'sei Ehr'", gefolgt von einer Quadrupel-Fuge über ein Bach'sches Fragment." (1921, Version for two Pianos)

The Form is the same as Version 2, but instrumentation is complexer because it is for two pianos.

[edit] Sources