Fano's inequality

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In information theory, Fano's inequality (also known as the Fano converse) is a lower bound on the error probability of any decoder. It was developed by Robert Fano in the early 1950s while teaching a Ph.D. seminar in information theory at MIT, and later recorded in his 1961 textbook.

The lower bound is calculated as:

\Pr(g(V)\neq W) \geq \frac{H(W|V)-\log 2}{\log(|{}\mathcal{W}|-1)}

for any function (even probabilistic) g of the observation V used to estimate the message W out of a countable number of possibilities \mathcal{W}. The logarithm is in the same base as that used to calculate the entropy.

[edit] Proof

Let E be the error indicator,

E= \begin{cases} 1 & \mbox{if } g(V)\neq W\\ 0 & \mbox{if } g(V)=W \end{cases}

Applying the chain rule on H(W,E | V) in two different ways gives,

H(W,E|V)=H(E|V)+H(W|E,V)=H(W|V)+H(E|W,V)\qquad (1)

Consider each terms separately,

  • H(E|V)\leq \log 2\qquad(2) because E is binary.
  • H(W|E,V)=\Pr(E=0) H(W|E=0,V) + \Pr(E=1) H(W|E=1,V)
    • 0\leq H(W|E=0,V)=H(g(V)|E=0,V)\leq H(g(V)|V)=0 applying the fact that entropy is non-negative and is not increased by conditioning.
    • Similarly for the other term, H(W|E=1,V)=H(W|E=1,V,W\neq g(V))\leq H(W|W\neq g(V)) \leq \log(|\mathcal{W}|-1).
    • Hence, H(W|E,V)\leq \Pr(g(V)\neq W) \log(|\mathcal{W}|-1)\qquad(3)
  • H(E|W,V) \geq 0\qquad(4) with equality if g is a deterministic function (i.e. H(E | W,V) = H(E | W,V,g(V)) = 0). g being deterministic, however, is not necessary for the proof.

Hence, applying the above inequalities (2-4) on the chain rule expansions (1) gives the Fano's inequality. Q.E.D.

[edit] References

  • Robert M. Fano, Transmission of information; a statistical theory of communications. Cambridge, Mass., M.I.T. Press, 1961. ISBN 0-262-06001-9