Fandral Staghelm

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Fandral Staghelm
Gender Male
Race Night Elf
Character class Druid
Affiliation Night Elves
Occupation Arch-Druid

Fandral Staghelm is a fictional character in the computer game World of Warcraft.

One of Malfurion's top lieutenants, Fandral is a clever druid who has trained many of the newest generation of druids of the wild. His hot temperament has sometimes clashed with the more restrained Malfurion. Fandral believes that the future of the night elves demands more expansionism and military planning. His radical beliefs and aggressive demeanor often lead him to quarrel openly with the High Priestess, Tyrande. Regardless, to this date, Fandral has proven to be an effective replacement for the missing Malfurion.

Part of the controversy surrounding Fandral stems from the creation of Teldrassil. He was the leader of a group of druids who wished to plant a new World Tree in order to regain their recently lost immortality. Malfurion insisted that such a selfish act would never achieve nature's blessing. However, when Malfurion was lost in the Emerald Dream, Fandral went ahead with the plan, and the new tree was planted without the consecration of nature. Thus the new tree was innately corrupt, and soon agents of the Burning Legion were spotted among its tranquil boughs.

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