User:Falloutboys emochik

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Falloutboys_emochik was born on November 3, 1990 in Milwaukee. Like Andy from Fall Out Boy. Falloutboys_emochik's name is Kayla. She has 2 half brothers, one half sister and one step sister. She doesn't live with them. She doesn't live with her mom or dad. She certainly doesn't live with both of them, because they broke up when she was 7 months old (they were never married). Kayla's mom remarried when she was 4, almost 5. But anyways, she lives with her grandma and grandpa, for now. She might be going to live with someone else after the 2005/2006 school year is let out. Kayla's best friends are Madeleliene, Gina, Chris, Allison and Tori. Kayla goes to a gay private catholic school, even tho she's not catholic. Kayla is 900,000-million-billion-billion-light-years-past-the-point-of-being-considered-overly-obsessed-with-Fall Out Boy. Some people think thats wierd, but she can't help it. She likes them alot, cuz even tho they don't know it, they kinda saved her life alot of times. So she has a good reason to be practically in love withh them. Good job Fall Out Boys. You are life savers. Kayla knows almost too much about Fall Out Boy, but thats only because she looks them up on the internet and stuff to see if there's anything new and then she'll read stuff and then she 'retains the information unintentionally'. People think she looks wierd when she says that, because 'she looks so sad' and its 'so cute', because they don't think she should be sad about knowing that. She's not, but she thinks if she meets them she might scare them with her knowledge of them. It's kinda funny, if you think about it. Kayla has 5 dogs. 2 at her dad's, 2 at her moms, and 1 at her grandparents's. Kayla likes to say 'eth' ater words (like goeth thateth wayeth.), and she likes to say ocity, ness, and ish after words, too. Kayla laughs alot and thats kinda funny, b/c she can't stop laughing ever. But she can be serious. She just thinks there'll be enough time for serious-ness when she's grown. Kayla's goals in life are to get signed and put out a record. She has to get people to be in a band with first, though. She also wants to do a whole bunch of stuff, but she won't care about doing any of those things if she accomlishes her #1 goal, which is to meet thoe guys from Fall Out Boy, whose names happen to be Joe, Patrick, Andy and Pete. That's birth order from first to last. Kayla is making a 2 or 3 part quiz on and it's all about Fall Out Boy. You should take it. I'll write more when I find out what she will be ok with me putting on here. This is her account, but I'm on it right now.