
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

20, Irish.

Administrator, owner, etc, of:
I'm completely unrelated to the wikipedia user though, that's just a guy I know being annoying.

My 1000th edit!
My 2000th edit!

On July 17, 2006, my Wikipedia account was one year old! In that time, I've made around 1,100 edits (a tiny bit over 3/day) to around 500 pages. Not too bad, I think =)

On September 7, 2006, my user page was finally properly vandalised! (I don't consider [1] a "proper" vandalism). Thought it would've been sooner, with the amount of controversial edits I make. Anyway, by the same user (, two vandalisms on my user page - [2] [3], and one on his own talk page [4] due to edits I made [5] on the Age of Mythology article, reverting content considered to be in violation of WP:NOT (and possibly WP:EL) by myself, and several other [6] users [7].

Though the award for best vandalism has to go to a comment on my talk page - "GO TO HELL YOU ANTI-AMERICAN, SECULAR, LIBERAL DUMBASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". Heh, ledge.

Gamertag: Falcon9x5


[edit] Current fun things

[edit] Userboxes

ubx-5 This user uses entirely too many userboxes.
2000+ This user has over 2000 edits
This user is a pirate. Yaarrr!

This user enjoys indiscriminate pillaging.
I studied computer programming in college, and all I got was this lousy compiler error.

vn - 3 This user page has been vandalized 3 times.

[edit] Personal

This user is male.
This user identifies as straight.
This user comes from, and lives in, Ireland.

20 This user is 20 years old.
This user studies at the University of Limerick.
IQ This user's Intelligence Quotient is somewhere between 133 and 155, depending on which test you take as being correct.

[edit] Computers Etc

cvg-3 This user is an advanced gamer.
This user is a member of the
Video Games WikiProject.
This user is interested in computer and video game development.

Fx This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox.
sfri This user contributes using Safari.
This user contributes using a wonderful Macbook laptop.

W XP This user contributes using Microsoft Windows XP.
This user sometimes contributes using Linux.
This user contributes the whole time using Mac OS X.

This user prefers the PlayStation Portable over the Nintendo DS, but owns both.
This user plays Dance Dance Revolution (or Dancing Stage, as it's known in Europe).
This user cannot decide whether the Xbox or PlayStation 2 is better, and uses both.

[edit] Languages

[edit] Spoken/Written

en This user is a native speaker of English.
de-1 Dieser Benutzer hat grundlegende Deutschkenntnisse.
ga-1 bun-Ghaeilge ag an úsáideoir seo.

1337-1 Th1s us3r is 4bl3 t0 c0ntribut3 with 4 b4si< l3v3l of 1337, but never, ever, does.
AIM-0 This user does not understand txt/AOLer, and doesn't see why they can't just type properly.
AmE-0 This user does not understand the American English "language".

LE-0 This individual still maintains a shred of dignity in this insane world by adhering to correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalisation.

[edit] Programming

C++ This user can program in C++.
c-2 This user is an intermediate C programmer.
<html> This user can write HTML. This user can code in
sql This user uses SQL queries to locate missing things.
java This user is able to program in Java.

css This user can user Cascading Style Sheets.
cobol This user can program in COBOL.
xml This user can write XML.

[edit] Politics

This user is interested in politics.
lib This user is a liberal.
This user is Un-American.

PC This user is pro-choice.
This user supports the United Nations.
This user supports the European Union.

dem This user supports the U.S. Democratic Party.
This user believes it is every citizen's duty to vote.
This user believes in a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.

WTF? This user thinks all Irish political parties are basically the same, and it doesn't matter who you vote for. Except the Greens. Tree huggers.
This user is an advocate of democracy.
This user believes in the separation of church and state.

[edit] Religion

This user is interested in religion.
This user is a secular humanist.
This user is probably going to Hell.

This user is interested in religion as a sociological and psychological phenomenon.