Falsterbo Canal

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Bridge over the canal
Bridge over the canal
Control tower at Falsterbo
Control tower at Falsterbo
Canal at the Baltic
Canal at the Baltic

Falsterbo Canal (Swedish: Falsterbokanalen) is a short canal that allows ships to pass inside Falsterbo, Skanör and Ljunghusen from the Baltic to the Öresund. Falsterbo, Skanör and Ljunghusen lie on the Skanör-Falsterbo peninsula (now essentially an island which is called "Näset").

During the Second World War when the Germans mined extensively outside Falsterbonäset at the Falsterborev (Falsterbo reef) in 1939, Sweden concluded that a canal was needed between Höllviken and Ljunghusen to allow safe passage of coastal traffic. The canal was completed, allowing ship passage on August 1, 1941.

There had been previous attempts at canals in this location; in 1884 Mårten Dahn proposed to the riksdag that he build a canal to allow ships to pass here. In 1896 fishermen in Skanör actually began to construct a canal here, but gave it up due to the difficulty.

The canal contains a sluice that can shut in order to prevent high currents through the canal when the difference in water level between the seas is large. On the north mouth of the canal there is a harbour which is well suited for small boats. Today no heavy traffic passes through the canal and it is practically a passage and harbour for small craft.

In earlier times the bridge over the canal opened upon demand at the judgment of the canal master, but in later years it is only opened following a fixed schedule.

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