Fallen Area

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Referred to as the Fallen Area or, on occasion, as the Fallen, this deracinated portion of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is the setting for several short stories by Steve Berman. The names refers to the fantastical nature of the area: reality has "fallen to the wayside." While the perimeter of the Fallen has a defined border, the interior has portions that appear to be extra-dimensional; theoretically, the inside of the Fallen could be limitless.

The United States government reacted to the Fall by quarantining the area off with concrete barries. Anyone entering the Fallen Area by choice relinquishes their citizenship and is not allowed to leave for fear of somehow being a contagion and spreading the area.

[edit] Inhabitants

There are three castes within the Fallen Area. Normals are individuals who are have remained unchanged by the strange environment. Talenteds have developed magical powers. Afflicted have mutated and often display disfigurements.

There appear to be different types of Talented. Anthvokes possess the ability to animate vintage objects. Openers can not only teleport but possess the power to open anything closed, from doors to minds.

  • A recurring character in the published stories is Caleb, an Opener. Arguably an anti-hero, he is opportunistic and lecherous.

[edit] Interior Sites and Points of Interest

  • In a dilapidated hotel, a pair of hags deal in addictive tears forced from a a little girl.
  • There is an Oracle that was once an automated teller machine. Now sentient, it requires unusual cards be inserted before printing out the prognostication. Avaricious individuals guard the Oracle and demand tribute of food or luxury goods before allowing anyone close to the machine.

[edit] Fallen Area Stories

  • "Resemblances" (1998)
  • "The Anthvoke" (2001) - Finalist for the 2002 Gaylactic Spectrum Award in Best Short Story
  • "Hair Like Fire, Blood Like Silk" (2001)
  • "Tea Time with Corn Dolly" (2001)
  • "Tearjerker" (2007)