Fall line

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In geomorphology, a fall line marks the area where an upland region (continental bedrock) and a coastal plain (coastal alluvia) meet. A fall line is typically prominent when crossed by a river, for there will often be rapids or waterfalls. Because of these features river boats typically cannot travel any farther inland without portaging unless locks are built. Because of the need for a port and a ready supply of water power, settlements often develop where rivers cross a fall line.

[edit] The fall line in the United States

Along the eastern coast of the United States, the east-facing escarpment where the Piedmont of the Appalachians descends steeply to the coastal plain forms a fall line over 1500 kilometers long. This long fall line played a major role in settlement patterns along rivers, back into prehistoric times. It is often referred to simply as "the fall line". In some places the fall line may be abrupt, while in others it is a zone that may be many miles wide. Geologically the fall line marks the boundary of hard metamorphosed terrain—the product of the Taconic orogeny—and the sandy, relatively flat outwash plain of the upper continental shelf, formed of unconsolidated Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments.

In the 19th Century, the fall line often represented the head of navigation on rivers at points like Little Falls or the Great Falls, on the Potomac River. However, since the advent of flumes for water supply and canals for shipping in the early 20th Century, the most prominent feature of fall line settlement was the establishment of the cities along it. As the cities were linked by the early highways, U.S. Route 1 and Interstate 95 came to pass through many of these cities, roughly tracing the fall line.

Cities along the Piedmont – Coastal Plain fall line include, from north to south:

Cities along other fall lines include:

[edit] See also

[edit] References