Falinge Park High School

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Falinge Park High School (also know as FPHS) is a school in Rochdale, Greater Manchester. currently the school has approximately 1183 students on roll. FPHS is a multicultural school has a large number Muslim students attending.


[edit] Aims

Our goal is to unlock the potential of all our students and staff who work together at Falinge Park High School and Performing Arts College. We learn together, work together and grow together. We firmly believe in the notion of ‘Personal Best’. We want to build a bright future for everybody. We do this by building on the traditional values of respect, tolerance and understanding. We have a first class team at the school and want our families to share our ideals.

[edit] Our Status

As a Specialist Performing Arts College we believe this will develop confidence and a sense of presence in our young people. In turn this will help them take on the world outside school. The status has enabled us to enrich the curriculum, build new resources and take on extra staff. It enables us to become an even greater resource to our community.

[edit] New school building

at the end of 2006 there were discussions to build a new school building, it was confirmed early 2007 that plans would go ahead.

[edit] Rochdale CLC (City Learning Centre)

FPHS also is the site for Rochdale City Learning Centre! CLC Website [1]

[edit] Faculties - CEPA

CEPA is a thriving, busy Faculty with lots of artistic learning experiences happening within core curriculum time and outside of school hours. We team teach when ever possible and strongly support each other to develop the children’s love of the Arts and of learning.

[edit] AIMS

Through ART, DANCE, DRAMA and MUSIC our aims are to encourage and develop in all pupils:

  • aesthetic
  • Creativity
  • An understanding of values
  • An understanding of cultural change
  • Physical and perceptual skills
  • Communication of ideas
  • Emotional intelligence


Pupils will be given the opportunity to:

  • Learn commitment
  • Gain confidence in a range of contexts
  • Explore various art forms in depth and together
  • Gain knowledge and understanding of artistic forms
  • Learn appraisal skills of appreciation and evaluation
  • Develop an understanding of the arts in a social and historical context
  • Develop leadership skills
  • Work as part of a team
  • Develop organisational, planning and research and problem-solving skills
  • Gain practice in meeting deadlines
  • Gain an understanding of the Arts as a learning tool


During core curriculum time and outside school hours the aims and objectives of the faculty will be developed through:

  • Lessons that are well prepared, resourced and delivered to a high standard to provoke imaginative outcomes.
  • Lessons that develop pupils’ independent learning and analytical skills.
  • The involvement of arts practitioners, performing for and working with pupils and staff.
  • Offering a wide range of extra-curricular activities involving single art forms and arts partnerships that will develop pupils’ skills, knowledge, self-confidence and self-esteem.
  • Regular theatre and gallery visits to expose pupils to arts experiences of a high standard.
  • Continued arts related professional development for staff.

[edit] Faculties - DT

The Design and Technology Faculty consists of 5 specialist rooms which are all well equipped. There is a selection of CAD/CAM provision within the CLC on the school site which the pupils may use during the design and technology suite of subjects at both KS3 and KS4. There will be a new classroom available, housing PC’s, later this year for the pupils to enhance their work within Design and Technology.

[edit] Subjects at Key Stage 3

Pupils within Design and Technology lessons are taught a range of subjects at Key Stage 3 including:

  • Food
  • Textiles
  • Resistant Materials/Electronics
  • Graphic Products/Graphical Presentation Skills
  • Product Design
  • Basic Key Skills

[edit] Options at Key Stage 4

Pupils may select one or more of the Design and Technology subjects to study at Key Stage 4 for GCSE. In addition, there is an opportunity for pupils to do Vocational based courses in GCSE Catering and NVQ Level 1 in Food Preparation and Cooking. These are run in conjunction with Hopwood Hall College. (See link Food Technology Presentation).

[edit] Our Philosophy

In Design and Technology we aim to provide a range of experiences in which students are able to develop their Design and Technology capabilities, through combining their designing and making skills with knowledge and understanding in order to create quality products.

To engage students in activities that are challenging, relevant and motivating. These activities give students enjoyment, satisfaction and a sense of purpose, and enable them to feel they can play a constructive role in a technological society.

Our Aims are to:

  • prepare young people to cope in a rapidly changing technological world
  • enable them to think and intervene creatively to improve that world

develops skills required to participate responsibly in home, school and community life (citizenship)

  • help students to become discriminating consumers and users of products
  • help students to become autonomous, creative problem-solvers
  • support students working as individuals and with others
  • equip students with the knowledge, skills and understanding about materials, tools and processes (technical know-how)
  • develop practical capability - being able to apply knowledge, skills and understanding when designing and making
  • encourage the ability to consider critically the uses, effects and values dimension of design and technology (technological awareness or literacy)
  • Sample Projects at Key Stage 3

[edit] Faculties - English

Extracts from the most recent Ofsted Report about the teaching of English and English Literature at Falinge Park High School.

“The extensive experience and appropriate qualifications to staff have a positive impact on progress. Resources are good and accommodation well used, with very good displays of pupils’ work attractively mounted in the classrooms and corridors”.

“There is an excellent team spirit with the Faculty”.

“Teachers make time at lunchtime or after school to assist pupils with their work in an effort to help them make greater progress”.


Last year’s update showed this School’s and Faculty’s commitment to move forward by providing the best resources for your children. This year has seen the Faculty increasing its resources yet again by several thousand pounds.

Key Stage 3 SAT’s results stood at 62.1% of all pupils achieving level 5 and above.

This year GCSE results have also been excellent with A- C passes in English Language and English Literature.

51% achieved A* to C Grades in Language 98.7% achieved A* to G grades in Language

52% achieved A* to C Grades in Literature 97.4% achieved A* to G Grades in Literature

Years 7, 8 and 9 students are now following the National Key Stage 3 Literacy strategy and already a substantial amount that is continually increasing has been allocated to the resourcing of Year 9 text books and other teacher resources.

Booster English classes were introduced in 2005 and continue to be delivered this year in order to improve pupil performance at Key Stage 3. All Staff have been involved in the Literacy Strategy training programme. Training for the new GCSE examination has also taken place.

The Faculty, like the school is constantly moving forward to ensure your child receives the best possible educational experience. A number of theatre visits are being planned for Year 9 and 11.

As in previous years the Faculty has committed funds to give your children the best facilities possible.

In the last 12 months over £7000 has been spent on books, resources, overhead projectors and electrical goods, including another interactive whiteboard.

Our aim is to make English an enjoyable learning experience. Your child deserves the best. That is just what they will receive from this experienced team.

Year 7 English is taught as a separate subject within the highly praised Year 7 Foundation Programme. Transition from Primary School is a very important time and the Foundation Programme provides the OPPORTUNITY for your child to be taught by one teacher for English, History, Geography and R.E. thus experiencing some of the CONTINUITY with which your child has been familiar. High Standards and expectations can be quickly set with the emphasis on good spelling, correct use of grammar and presentation of work.

Your child will experience a wide range of literature, including novels, short stories, plays and poetry. Language knowledge will be developed as well as skills in speaking and listening.

Reading is extremely important and is encouraged both at home and school. Year 7 visit the library once a fortnight for the borrowing of books and to follow up any research work.

Year 7 will also be involved in the KS3 Literacy Strategy and will benefit from using many newly purchased materials.

[edit] Ofsted Report

Extracts from Ofsted Report about English and English Literature at Falinge Park High School. Pupils “The Learning environment is stimulating and raises pupils self esteem”. “Pupils’ responses in English is good”. “Pupils’ concentrate well on their work and show enthusiasm: they are well motivated, polite and helpful.”

[edit] Assessments

“In National Curriculum tests at the end of Key Stage 3, the average level gained over the last few years has risen by three times the national rate of improvement.” “Assessment is more diagnostic with pupils’ strengths and weaknesses identified. Information gathered is used to plan future work.”

[edit] Literacy

“Time is well used to promote literacy, as well as speaking and listening, and there is a very clear focus on language development.” “the English topics studied give a broad, balanced coverage of the National Curriculum. They are well rooted in literature and are successfully raising levels of literacy.”

[edit] Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing

“Pupils speak clearly, sometimes suiting their speech to their audience. They listen carefully to their teachers and one another. They read with good attention to detail. Pupils write for different occasions and use imagination when required.” “They can present an opinion” “Presentation of work is good.”

[edit] Faculties - Humanities

[edit] The aims of the Humanities Faculty at Falinge Park High School are to:
  • Develop pupils’ knowledge, understanding and skills to a high standard.
  • Promote a positive attitude to learning and constructive relationships amongst pupils, through appropriate classroom activities.
  • Encourage pupils to use initiative and take responsibility for their own learning.
  • Make an important contribution to pupils’ social, cultural, spiritual and moral development.

[edit] The Humanities Faculty offers:
  • Experienced teaching staff
  • Wide selection of up-to-date resources
  • Variety of teaching and learning styles
  • A number of educational visits and activities
  • Improving GCSE results
  • Lessons involving use of I.C.T.

[edit] National Curriculum Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8, & 9)

Pupils do three lessons of History and Geography and two lessons of R.E. per fortnight In Year 7 History and Geography are taught as part of the Foundation Programme along with English. This usually involves the same teacher teaching all three subjects. National curriculum Key Stage 4 (G.C.S.E.)

[edit] The Faculty offers five option subjects:
  • History
  • Geography
  • Leisure & Tourism
  • Integrated Humanities
  • Citizenship
  • All pupils in Years 10 and 11 study GCSE Religious Studies.

[edit] History

Pupils develop their own knowledge of historical issues. They analyse and interpret historical source material such as photographs, cartoons, advertisements and extracts from newspapers and speeches. Pupils are encouraged to produce reasoned arguments based on the evaluation of sources. The course also develops skill in communication, working with others, improving own learning and performance, IT and problem solving.

[edit] Pupils study the following:
  • Year 7 - The Roman Empire

Britain 1066-1500

  • Year 8 - Britain 1500 – 1750

Black People in the USA

  • Year 9 - Britain 1750-1900

The Twentieth Century Religious Education Religious Education follows the QCA Schemes of Work. Pupils cover the beliefs and practices of the Major World Religions. Pupils also consider major theological, philosophical and moral questions. The course provides pupils with a basis on which to build in Key Stage Religious Education. Pupils are given the opportunity to think about their own and others’ religious beliefs. They are able to question and debate. They are given the opportunity to develop skills of empathy, interpretation and reflection.

[edit] Geography

Pupils develop their own knowledge of Geographical issues. The course develops skills in communication, working with others, improving own learning and performance, IT and problem solving. Pupils study the following:

[edit] Year 7
  • Map and Atlas skills
  • Settlements
  • Shopping
  • Rivers and flooding

[edit] Year 8
  • Coastlines in the UK
  • Spain
  • Weather
  • 80:20
  • Limestone (Field trip to Malham)
  • Ecosystems

[edit] Year 9
  • Plate Techtonics
  • Tourism
  • Think Act
  • Development and Destruction
  • Comparing Countries
  • Work

[edit] Faculties - ICT


ICT is more vital now than ever. Young people need a knowledge and understanding of hardware and software, the Internet and the rapidly expanding world of digital communications.

Our aim is to ensure that all our pupils can use ICT securely, creatively and independently, and have the ability and confidence to remain up-to-date with future developments in technology.

We believe that pupils should be capable of analysing problems, identifying the outcomes required, selecting appropriate resources to produce effective solutions and evaluate their success.

[edit] Faculties - Science

The Science Faculty consists of 9 well equipped laboratories with 3 prep. rooms. At the moment 6 of the laboratories have interactive white boards and in September all of the laboratories will have interactive whiteboards. The Science faculty is well resourced.

Key stage 3 At Key stage 3 we use the Eureka Science scheme. We cover the following modules. In Year 7 In Year 8 In Year 9 · Energy Energy Resources Chemical reactions · Metal Matter Balanced Forces · Living Things Light and Sound Moving Energy · Forces Environment Competition · Electricity Rocks Chemical Patterns · Burning Earth In Space Being Healthy · Plant Power Nutrition How Science works · Changing state Acids and Bases · Life Story Vital Organs

At Key stage 4 Starting in September l In Year 10 students will study AQA GCSE Science A which is a Core Science course. l They will be able to do Foundation or Higher level. l It is a modular course. l Each of the three units Biology 1, Chemistry 1 and Physics 1 is divided into two equal sections. Each section is examined in a separate 30 minute test. l The tests are available in November, March and June at higher and foundation level. l Students will be able to retake these tests if necessary.

Science 1 Centre-assessed Unit Each pupil will carry out an l Investigative Skills Assignment Which is based on normal class practical work and is an externally set, internally assessed test taking 45 mins. l Practical Skills Assessment Which is assessed by the teacher during normal class practical work

Core Science Content How Science works l The thinking behind the doing. l Fundamental ideas. l Observation as a stimulus to investigation. l Designing an investigation. l Making measurements. l Presenting data. l Using data to draw conclusions. l Societal aspects of scientific evidence. l Limitations of scientific evidence Modules l Biology 1a – Human Biology l Biology 1b – Evolution and environment l Chemistry 1a – Products from rocks l Chemistry 1b – Oils, Earth and atmosphere l Physics 1a – Energy and electricity l Physics 1b – Radiation and the universe

In June of Year 10 the students will be given the option of what science course(s) they do in Year 11. The choice will be to do at least one of the following l Additional Science l Biology l Physics l Chemistry And in the near future we hope to offer Additional Applied Science. Primary Liaison We have a well established, successful Primary Liaison programme which provides local primary schools the opportunity to bring Year 6 and Year 5 pupils to the Science Faculty for Science lessons each half term.


Key Stage 3

We follow the National Curriculum programme of study. The three broad themes are: Finding things out Developing ideas and making things happen Exchanging and sharing information

Within these themes, pupils in Years 7 – 9 will complete units of work which will provide opportunities to develop their knowledge, understanding and technical ability in: Word processing Spreadsheets Databases Desktop Publishing Control Internet/Email

Key Stage 4

All pupils have one lesson of ICT per week. At Key Stage 4 pupils may opt to study ICT in as a GCSE subject. This takes the form of DIDA, a revolutionary new paperless qualification that focuses on the practical application of technology.

A GCSE in Applied Business is also offered. This is a nationally recognised work-related qualification designed to provide a choice of routes into further education or employment.

Our Facilities

The ICT Department comprises of four computer rooms each equipped with interactive whiteboards, sound and projector systems and approximately 30 networked workstations. All workstations run the latest Windows XP operating system and the latest Microsoft Office and Macromedia software, as well as subject specific software. All workstations have filtered high speed Internet access. The department is equipped with scanners, digital cameras etc to provide pupils with the necessary ICT equipment for the 21st century.

Throughout the school there are approximately 200+ networked workstations and 40+ interactive whiteboards.

ICT across the curriculum

All staff are expected to deliver an ICT requirement within their own subject area. ICT suites are available on a booking system to accommodate this. Many departments have their own ICT resources that are subject specific.

Extra Curricular Provision

Pupils are able to make use of ICT suites for the completion of homework/coursework during lunchtimes and after school by arrangement with ICT staff

[edit] Faculties - Languages


Our aim is to ensure that every pupil leaves FPHS with the ability to communicate successfully in the language of their choice, whether for pleasure, business or further study. We believe that better communication skills lead to better jobs, better promotion prospects, better leisure and holiday opportunities and better understanding between peoples and nations.

Parents sometimes tell us that their experience of learning a language at school was an unrewarding one - 'boring', 'difficult', 'impossible' are words often used by parents. Our approach, however, is geared towards ENJOYMENT and STIMULATION. We aim to make language-learning a lively and interesting experience by using a wide range of materials and activities such as drama, role-play, song, mime, video, ICT, internet learning etc. All our rooms are equipped with PC-linked projectors and interactive whiteboards, which allow us to use the latest techniques and technology to aid pupils' learning and enjoyment.

[edit] We offer:
  • a choice of French, Spanish or Urdu to all pupils from Year 7
  • a language for all to GCSE
  • an award winning home-study CD pack
  • state-of-the-art technology to aid learning
  • attractive, modern course materials
  • a wide variety of teaching styles to suit all our learners
  • an e-mail link scheme
  • a good range of out-of-class activities, including a pen-friend scheme, annual educational visits abroad, performance activities, a language magazine scheme, and GCSE revision classes.

[edit] OFSTED 2004 reported that:

  • ICT resources and the use of new technology are a strength of the Faculty

management of pupils is good

  • relationships between teachers and pupils are good
  • pupils make good progress and achievement is good
  • the quality of teaching is good and planning is effective
  • assessment is well-developed and is a strength

the Faculty has a positive impact on the personal development of pupils

[edit] We believe that:


[edit] Faculties - Mathematics

The Mathematics Faculty consists of 7 full time and 1 part time teachers. The faculty is recognised as strategically focused being forward looking, highly committed, motivated and very hard working. Staff have high expectations of pupils and strive to continually improve their performance.

Mathematics is taught in a suite of 6 classrooms with 2 classrooms situated in other areas of the school. Within the mathematics suite there are 5 interactive whiteboards and 3 portable data projectors. All rooms are equipped with an OHP, white board and pupils white boards. All mathematics staff are provided with a laptop. ICT provision is extensive with 3 computer suites in addition to the City Learning Centre.

The scheme of work at KS3 is based on the National Numeracy Strategy with pupils working through modules of work of approximately 2 weeks duration. At KS4 we follow the EDEXCEL GCSE Mathematics course with schemes of work bases on three tiers of entry at the moment. All pupils are entered for GCSE Mathematics. The Schemes of work at both KS3 and KS4 are objective driven. The faculty has numerous textbooks available for all levels of ability.

[edit] OFSTED 2004 reported:

  • Provision in mathematics is good.
  • Pupils achieve well because teaching is good.
  • Pupils’ attitude to mathematics is good.
  • Leadership and management are good.
  • Teachers work hard and set a good pace.

[edit] Contact Details

Website: [2] Address: Falinge Park High School, Falinge Road, Shawclough, Rochdale, Lancs. OL12 6LD