Fajardo Baptist Academy

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One of the many schools located in the region, Fajardo Baptist Academy (FBA) is a private Christian institution, ranging from preschool to high school, located in Fajardo, Puerto Rico. Founded in 1985 by a local church, the institution is best known for their godly teachings and dedication. The school is divided into two buildings--one hosting preschool and elementary school, and the other intermediate and high school.

Formerly a household preschool, FBA was small and simple school in its early ages. Throughout the passing years, the school has been expanding in every aspect. After founding 6th grade and finally finishing elementary school, the church decided to build a new building within a remote location to start intermediate and high school (7th-12th) to allow students of these grades to study within a more mature enviroment in where they can study and socialize flexibly.

Currently, preschool, elementary school, intermediate school, and high school is on-line and functioning properly. Although there is a slight lack of personnel (the Science teacher quited and two teachers are missing quite often because of illness) in the second building (host of intermediate school and high school), the school is still managing to run properly with "multi-tasks" teachers.

[edit] Sports

Although the school is not known for its sport, FBA does in fact possess skilled athletes and has won several trophies from past tournaments of intermediate and high school. One of the school's most adept athlete is Kevin Scharron; at about 5'10" tall and probably the tallest student in the institution. Kevin is in 9th grade and has won many competitions in the school's team. Scharron is best known for being the undisputed winner of each and every Turkey Race. Recently, this 2007 Turkey Race was won by Yomar, due to the fact Kevin Scharron skipped school for unknown reasons.