Talk:Fadak/Not inheritance

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In regards to the land od Fiddaq....

Fiddaq was a orchard of date palm groves outside Haibar... It was given to the Holy prophet (sawaw) as a gift from the Jews of Haibar after the Muslims won the war against them. The Holy Prophet (sawaw) then presented it to His daughter Fatima (as) as a gesture of thanking her mother Khatijah tul Kubra (ra) for the money she had spent on early Islam...

At the time of the Khalafat of Hazhrat Abu Baqr (ra) Fiddaq was taken into the Baieet al Mahl (property of the Islamic state) custody... according to all the Hadiths Khatoon e Jannat Fatima (as) left empty handed and was very sad with the answers that were given to her by Abu Baqr (ra) and Umer (ra) ... The stories in the Hadiths differ so much, as in one she is given the Fiddaq back but Hazhrat Umer (ra) intervenes and is again taken back... In another she is asked to produce proof.... and in another she is asked to bring witnesses.... Then all are not accepted by Abu Bakr (ra) by these words that "Prophets do not leave behind any inheriters"...

Then there is big question mark as to what was the reason for asking in the first place, if the Fiddaq belonged to her or not? asking for proof... This was not a question in regards to inheritance as Fiddaq was already the Property of Khatoon e Janaat (as)...If Fiddaq was ever to be inherited then the wives of the Holy Prophet (sawaw) would have also claimed their share... So this prooves that it did belonged to Khatoon e Jannat Fatima (as) Taking away of the Fiddaq made her so sad that she never spoke to Hazhrat Abu Baqr (ra) and Hazhrat Umer (ra) again in her life.. Though both of them seeked her forgiveness... The Fiddaq was managed by each Khalifa as the Property of the state until Khalafat of Umer bin Abdul Aziz.... As within a hundred years the Fiddaq was given back as a gift to Imam Baqr (as) the great grandson of Khatoon e Jannat Fatima (as)

By Umer Bin Abdul Aziz (ra) giving of the Fiddaq was also proof that it never belonged to Baieet tul Mahl as no Khalifa has the Authority to give public property as a gift to another person... And had it been public property then Imam Baqir (as) would not have accepted it as a gift ...

So as to conclude this and make it easier to understand... The Fiddaq was given to khatoon e Jannat during the Holy Prophet`s (sawaw) life time After the passing away of the Holy Prophet (sawaw) the Fiddaq was taken into public custody by Abu Baqr (ra) without Khatoon e Jannat Fatima`s (as) permission. To pay for the armies that we being sent to distant lands...

In the Khalafat of Imam Ali (as) there is no mention of it.... So therefore to make an issue of it to devide the Ummah is very wrong... Even in his book of Khutabas Najul Balagah there is no mention of Fiddaq in the Sunni or Shia versions... When the revenue from other sources became plenty into the Baieet al Mahl then the Fiddaq was given back to the grandsons of Khatoon e Jannat Fatima (as) Apart from the Ahle Baieet noone ever claimed ownership of Fiddaq...

The right of use of a property always rests with its owner unless the state takes it for its defence... None of the Khalifas became the owners of Fiddaq they only used Fiddaq for the running of the Islamic state.... As Khalifas they had the right to do so.... As an example if person had some land on top of a hill over looking the enemy the Khalifa could use that land to position his soldiers to defend his country... with or without the permission of the owner..

Just after the passing away of the Holy Prophet (sawaw) the strength of the Islamic State was very low...That is why during his Khalifat Imam Ali (as) did not request back the Fiddaq to be restored back to its owner, so all those countries that came into the Islamic State by the use of Fiddaq ... Khatoon e Jannat Fatima (as) got the Ajar e Azeem for that...

The story of Fiddaq cannot be pushed aside for many reasons...There is, no doubt that Khatoon e Jannat (as) as the daughter of Rahmatul Ahla ameen will or has forgiven them... As the Hadiths differ we must accept that which agrees with the noble character of Khatoon e Jannat Fatima (as).... After all the right to forgive is hers...

I too seek the forgiveness from Khatoon e Jannat Fatima (as) if I have written anything that she might not agree with...

The Shias say that Hazhrat Abu Baqr stole the Fiddaq..... If that (Mazalla) was the case then it would have been the duty of all the Khalifas including Imam Ali (as) to recover the stolen property and hand it back to its rightful owners... So after Hazhrat Abu Baqr (ra) Hazhrat Umer (ra) did not do that nor did Usman (ra) nor did Imam Ali (as) nor did Imam Hassan (ra) nor did and so forth... Abu Baqr (ra) did not nominate himself as the Khalifa he was chosen by the blessed Sahaba... The Shia say that Imam Ali (as) was forced into doing Baieet of Abu Baqr (ra)...

We say that ALI is DEEN Hassan and Hussain are DEEN and no one can force them to do anything BUT DEEN... (as mentioned by Khawaja Mohaiuddin Ajmeri (ra) in " DEEN ASTO HUSSAIN DEENAI PANA ASTO HUSSAIN "). We know that all the Sahaba were united under Abu Baqr (ra)... Abu Baqr (ra) is the only person to have so many of his family members as Sahabis.. His father his daughters his son his grandson were all Sahabi yet when he gave his Khalafat to Hazhrat Umer he could have given it to his Son who was also a Hafiz of the Holy Qur`aan... This shows that Abu Baqr (ra) was not a selfish person... His lifestyle was full of the Sunnahs of Holy Prophet (sawaw).. Even the Shias accept in their books the friendship of Hazhrat Abu Baqr (ra) towards Rasool Allah ...

The Shias have two things against Abu Baqr (ra) One is becoming a Khalifa and the other is Fiddaq... Both reasons are weak and flawed for the Shias to call Hazhrat Abu Baqr (ra) a Monafiq when his Sahabiaat has been proven in the Holy Qur`aan and the likes of Hazhrat Bilal (ra) and Moula Ali (km) used to pray behind him ....(Proof of this in Shia Book Asul e Kafi) How can anyone pray behind a Monafiq?

As a Khalifa Abu Baqr (ra) was made and he did not make himself a Khalifa.... As for Fiddaq he had the duty as a Khalifa to provide proof to the rest of the Sahaba as to who was the rightful owner of Fiddaq hence requesting for proof... Khatoon e Jannat Fatima (as) was not summoned to appear before Abu Baqr (ra) as the Shia make believe... She went on her own accord... There was no such court type of hearing as all she was saying was that she was the owner of Fiddaq... Had there been a case against Abu Baqr (ra) then who was the Judge between the two? As Abu Baqr (ra) would have been the accused so he could not have been the Judge too! The Shias have made this into a big issue to destroy the unity of the Ummah... Imam Ali (as) did not even give it a mention in any of his Khutabas! so it could not have been that important !

It is because the Sahaba chose Abu Baqr (ra) as their Khalifa that the Shias Hate them so much.... It is a known fact that the Sahaba Iqraam (ra) loved both of them as it was the norm in the Sahaba to find a Monafiq was to find who dislikes Imam Ali (as)....

Syed H S Qadiri Senior Moderator YaNabi Team