Face of Mankind

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Face of Mankind
Developer(s) Duplex Systems
Publisher(s) Ojom
Designer(s) Marko Dieckman
Engine LithTech Jupiter
Latest version
Release date(s) March 27, 2006
Genre(s) MMO/FPS
Mode(s) Multiplayer
Rating(s) ESRB: 12+ (Rating Pending)
Platform(s) Windows
Media P2P, retail box coming soon
System requirements 1,4 GHz+ Pentium III/AMD Athlon, 512MB SD-RAM PC133, Geforce 4 or Radeon 9200 with 64MB RAM, 5GB free hard disc space, broadband internet connection
Input Mouse and keyboard essential, possible microphone for Ventrilo or TeamSpeak use.

Face of Mankind is a first/third person massively multiplayer online roleplaying game in a futuristic persistent world. The game, which may be played with a variety of points of view, leans heavily on roleplay and community, thanks to a powerful faction system and completely player-driven politics. It is also the first game of its kind to use a player-generated mission system.

Players throughout the game world co-operate, compete or co-exist in a realistic and futuristic world of the 24th century. The plot is constantly evolving, with storylines being constantly started by the game's staff. The skill and luck of the players from rival factions change the balance of power. Highly ranked players create missions which are split and handed down through the hierarchy. The ultimate objective of the game is to evolve one's character to its ultimate potential, whether that is the accumulation of wealth, power, social status, or a combination of all three.


[edit] Official story

For more a in-depth explanation of events in FoM's story, read the Story Chronicles.

By the end of the 22nd century, the overcrowding of Earth’s cities, the growing drain on natural resources, and the memories of recent violence caused mankind to desire new and remote locations to start their lives over again. The International Space Administration’s colonization efforts provided the perfect solution – distant havens for hundreds of thousands of Earth’s citizens to take up residence. However, as colonization efforts spread and the Vortex-Net brought humanity to the stars in ever-greater numbers, mankind’s footprint became more noticeable on a galactic scale. By the mid-24th century Earth’s spreading population had become obvious, attracting the attention of a very hostile and aggressive alien race.

Contact with the initial interstellar colonies was lost, and special task forces were established and sent out to investigate – and if necessary exterminate – the hostile species presumed responsible. Many of these soldiers were never heard from again – the new enemy proved to be exceptionally resilient and much faster than mankind’s forces were prepared for.

Meanwhile, in the late 24th century on Earth, life carries on in a manner that mankind has become accustomed to over hundreds of years. People continue trading, cheating, stealing and fighting with each other over territorial and production control. The Vortex-Net has made possible nearly instantaneous travel between distant locations, increasing traffic and trade between the thriving cities around the globe, and the globalization of currency has made economic competition a more transparent and universal paradigm.

The Global Dominion is barely able to maintain a fair and democratic system because of corruption, bribery and in-fighting among the many factions and splinter groups. Maintaining constant control and unity of governance requires most of the GD’s time and effort as a governing body. Clans are being formed that are creating their own systems within the system – effectively taking various economic aspects of society into their own hands. They are establishing independent mercenary troops in an effort to free the colonies from the alien occupation, seeing the imminent benefit if they can claim them under their own sovereign governance. The clans are in constant competition with one another, sending spies and agents into the other organizations to observe their progress and to gather information that might give them the upper hand.

As the people get information about the distant war, many are beginning to fear an eventual spread of the conflict to Earth itself. Brave men and women are venturing into battle to protect the future of humanity, each accompanied by only their destiny as they find their way in this dystopian world. Will it be the drive toward corporate profit, a clan’s new idealism, or the iron hand of law and order that proves itself to be true Face of Mankind? Only time will tell.

[edit] Character classes

There are four character classes, each with its strengths and weaknesses:

[edit] Combatant

The combatants are a faction's muscle. They provide military firepower to get the task done, and have no weapon or armor restrictions. This is a generic class, and most new players start as a combatant by choice. They are only limited by faction restrictions.

[edit] Commander

Commanders have the ability to create their own squads of men. These squads help increase communication between players. The Global Dominion Factions use squads to increase efficiency in patrolling areas. The Clan Factions use these squads for the Cells and Clans within the faction. Corporate Factions create mining and production squads to increase efficiency and profitability. Commanders play a key role within the game. Note that squads can be created only by a Rank 2 or higher. Commanders can also use the minimap on a larger zoom setting(4x) than other players. They can also see all players of an allied faction, whereas players of other professions only see mission team members. If a commander leads the mission he and every soldier in the mission will get an experience bonus equal of 15%.

[edit] Medic

Medics are responsible for healing injured comrades before, during, and after battles. They can wear up to level 5 armor, use any type of medical equipment, and wield a limited selection of low-grade weaponry. After all, they have a support role, and it is the duty of the combatants to protect them.

[edit] Trader

Traders are the economic workhorses of their organization. They supply their chosen faction pool with equipment, but can also produce their own items for trade on the market. This enables them to get rich quickly, although it does have its drawbacks in that they can only use the basics themselves, their main objective being to provide items for use by others in more specialised roles.

[edit] Gameplay

In-game screenshot from Face of Mankind in the middle of a small firefight on the colony known as Epsilon Eridani.
In-game screenshot from Face of Mankind in the middle of a small firefight on the colony known as Epsilon Eridani.

[edit] Player versus player

Face of Mankind attributes part of its success to its Player versus Player system. For the most part, the players are required to police themselves. While automated turrets guard certain public facilities, no place is necessarily safe. While some players act as the police, protecting the unguarded areas of each cities, some take on the roles of murderers and criminals.

[edit] Faction versus faction

Occasionally, due to political or economic situations, one faction might declare war on another. In these situations, members of the involved factions can respond to a faction-wide call for military aid. With potentially hundreds of troops mobilized on each side, massive battles often ensue. Due to the existence of inter-faction alliances, other factions can be sucked into a growing conflict, and escalation into galactic war is not unheard of. Such wars can have the effect of changing the established 'world order' and unsettling the balance of power.

[edit] Factions

For more information on each faction, please visit the Faction Descriptions page.

[edit] Global dominion factions

  • Law Enforcement Department: The Law Enforcement Department is the only legally armed civilian agency in the Dominion that has the power to search and seize, arrest, and imprison others. Their mission is to maintain the law and order in all zones under civilian authority. To do this job the Dominion has granted them certain powers and trust, and they must not let the citizens of the Dominion down in exercising the Law. LED officers are at the forefront of ordered society, without which the democratic rule of law would not be possible. A disadvantage for the LED is their obligation to adhere to the rule of law; they are required to use arrest warrants and reduce firearm use for public safety.

Accusations of corruption within the LED have been rife since the LED are always in contact with the dregs of society while on the streets. Whether or not those allegations have a foundation in fact remains to be seen due to the secretive nature of the LED's own Internal and Foreign Affairs Departments.

  • Freedom Defence Corps: The FDC is a sort of reserve military branch; the Law Enforcement Department takes care of day-to-day internal conflicts, while the FDC is called in only in cases of extreme need. As the only lawful military organization in the Dominion, they are trained to fight wars, but the decision to go to war is made by the elected government of the Dominion. They are asked to step in once when diplomacy and democracy fail. When this happens, the FDC is the only government and the only law in declared martial zones. The citizens living in these conflict zones can expect the FDC to provide them with defense, shelter, food and protection. This is the FDC mandate and their mission. A major disadvantage of the Freedom Defense Corps is its high inertia, e.g. they may only use martial law, not overt action, to deal with internal enemies. Even so, they are known and feared as The Hammer of the Dominion.

[edit] Clans

  • Guardians of Mankind: The Guardians put respect for mankind above all other rules, protecting the citizens from the corruptions of all political bodies, particularly those that are supposed to be protecting the citizens, such as the LED. They form many alliances, each to fit the day or current situation, and most importantly to fit their cause. They limit their hate to opposing corruption and oppression by anyone anywhere, even by those they at one time called friends. Working behind the scenes with deals, promises of support, and political pressure, they arose as experts at political manipulation. Pacifists first and foremost, they will fight as a last resort, when left with no alternative to get their message and cause before the people. Their home is a sanctuary for those asking for help, and a war zone for those who seek to restrain and lock up the freedom that is the people’s right.
  • Mercenaries of the Blood: The Mercenaries are famous and feared in the GD, due to their lawless and combative ways. To them, only cash counts, and if there is sufficient available, their loyalty can be bought. The Mercenaries of the Blood are neither criminal nor political in their own view, although many observers beg to differ. They have been known to work for the highest bidder, and alliances are temporary, being respected only for the duration of the contract. They have even been known to accept contracts offered by corrupt members of the FDC and LED. Due to the fact Mercenaries tend to have different ideas of how the faction should run, what they should believe in, and what they support, they've splintered into tightly-knit cells to give each member the right to choose their own path through their Mercenary career. If the call is made to all cells to fight for their faction, however, all will come to stand by their way of life.
  • Brotherhood of the Shadows: The Code of the Brotherhood is the bond that has held them together since their formation. It holds three principles in high esteem:
  • Honor: The Brotherhood puts Honor above all else.
"Honor in all one does. If one has no honor, then one doesn’t deserve to exist."
  • Loyalty: The Brotherhood is a family for all members, from all walks of life.
"Fight for your brother, kill for your brother and die for your brother."
  • Respect: The Brotherhood respects everyone, from all walks of life, unless they have been disrespectful.
"Respect those who respect the Brotherhood. Respect the suffering of those who don’t."

All BoS members receive an additional 5% discount on Chemlabs.

[edit] Corporations

  • Colonization and Mining Guild: The CMG was the first Mega-Corporation. It was founded by the Global Dominion to colonize the universe, and exploit the assets discovered. The CMG eventually became so powerful that it declared its own independence. The CMG has always been known for its ability to get the job done, no matter what it takes. This ruthlessness has made it enemies with the other corporations, and encouraged dealings with the BoS and MotB. Despite having its own security staff, the CMG often finds that it must rely its allies for both extra manpower and anonymity of actions. The CMG focuses on mining, producing and selling products to all the other factions, and encourages its members to sell their own products to individuals as well. The CMG willingness to take anyone’s money makes them the ultimate middleman, selling weapons to both sides during a conflict. All CMG members receive an additional 5% discount on mining and production.
  • EuroCore: The EuroCore is engaged in an almost ceaseless power struggle with the other Corporations. The leveraging point of EuroCore proprietary technology and patents has, however, presented the resolution of this struggle. Disputes with EuroCore often turn to violence, as both factions maintain private militias in order to protect their interests from hostile takeover. Despite these near-constant quarrels with the CMG and VI, EuroCore maintains a presence in the colonies and, while smaller, packs a punch if incited to act. Their motto describes the way EuroCore functions: "Perfection is our tradition." All EC members receive an additional 5% discount on mining, production, and production modules.
  • Vortex Incorporated: Vortex Incorporated’s primary area of business, the Vortex Gates that provide the human race with instant teleportation from one point to another across any distance, is regarded as the factor that holds the sprawling Global Dominion together, for better or worse. Because of the colonies’ dependency on Vortex travel, Vortex Inc. has been realized as the single indispensable organization in mankind’s future, both among the stars and at home. Due to the lack of information and heritage of Vortex Inc. it has the ability to change its stance quickly to suit itself without being criticised. Many find their methods and reasons for progressing undesirable as their views, values and opinions lead to many conflicts. The secrecy and intentions of Vortex Inc. have recently been in the spotlight due to their deliberate absenteeism from the Colonial Congress. Vortex Inc. employees say that should its gifts be removed, the human race would find itself stranded on countless tiny islands, hopelessly adrift in the blackness of space. All VI members receive an additional 5% discount on transportation costs, and a 10% discount on Vortex tickets.
  • Dolly Incorporated: A relatively obscure medical company, Dolly Inc. supplies the cloning facilities and clones that allow players the ability to respawn after they have been defeated. Dolly Incorporated never has been, nor will be, a playable faction; its main purpose is to act as a plot device to provide effective "immortality" to players.

[edit] Cells and departments

Mercinaries of the Blood have cells or organized groups (also called clans) that operate inside of that faction. They are player made and organized within the pre-existing faction system. Certain cells and clans may be hired by a person or a faction to perform just about any task, from military backup to assassination. Clans are loyal as long as they are kept paid, as all clans deeply value their honor.

Departments, like cells, are organized player-made groups within a faction. Divisions of a faction are generally made to share the workload, or to make things simply more efficient. Each faction often has separate Economic, Military, and Political departments, which handle the faction's economy, defense/offense, and administration respectively.

[edit] Economy

One of Face of Mankind's draws is the economic system. It has an entirely player driven economy; prices fluctuate in relation to supply and demand. Naturally this makes the market, consisting of armor, weapons, ammunition, clothing, medical supplies and other such items, fairly competitive.

[edit] Mining

Mining is the beginning of the process for all production. Mining termninals are located on all offworld colonies. Each location has a limited number of resources of various qualities. To mine materials, select it from a displayed list. Energy and coolant levels may be adjusted for more efficient production, and also affects the cost. When on basic mining missions, the "Faction Mining" choice is available. When using faction mining, all mining costs are paid from the faction treasury, and the materials produced must be either placed in the faction pool or used to make more complex faction items.

[edit] Refining

Refining is the intermediate step in the production process. Raw materials may be refined into compounds or alloys, which are then used to make finished products. All refining is done on production terminals, using specific refinement processes for specific minerals. The refinement process works in a manner similar to that of mining, where energy and coolant levels may be adjusted for efficiency and cost.

[edit] Production

This is the final step, and results in the creation of a finished, usable product. This process requires an investment in a Production Module (or PMod). These are expensive, and are limited to use at the location that they are purchased. They allow for the creation of one type of item, at all quality levels. The requirements in minerals and refined materials is listed when the module is viewed at a production terminal. The process is the same as mining and refining, where energy and cooling levels are set to determine the time and expense.

[edit] Faction pool

Each faction has a "pool". This pool is essentially shared storage for weapons, ammunition, and medical supplies for any player within that faction. To limit abuse of the system by greedy members, the faction leaders can limit the number of pool items these members can have within their personal inventory.

Faction pool items are made by the trader classes within the faction. Traders that undertake production or mining missions to supply the pool find that the expenses are covered by the faction. Other character classes can also add their personal items to the faction pool by use of the storage terminal.

[edit] Game specific terminology

  • AoS: "Arrest on Sight". The LED will try to arrest the person whenever they see him/her, much like a Kill on Sight order.
  • CC: Colony Control, the terminal which controls the colony's ownership and tax settings. This is the single most important location of any colony; whoever controls this room owns the colony.
  • DMC: Short for the DeMorgan's Castle colony, this is the prison of the game, where players mine to work off Penalty Points. The colony is under the control of the LED, which maintains constant guard.
  • EoS: "Escort on Sight". A rare order given to escort a person or faction off a colony instead of using lethal methods. This is often called into effect on certain colonies by the FDC during martial law.
  • Hump: The word "hump" comes from the look of the crouching animation when a player looked upward and crouched repeatedly while facing another player. Most of the time it signifies a sort of agreement or understanding with the other player.
  • IAD: Internal Affairs Department of any given faction. Many factions have one with a variety of names; the LED has the IAD. The FDC have a similar department called the ISD.
  • KoS: Kill on Sight order, issued on specific induviduals or entire factions, is a standard order in every faction.
  • MW: A player who has one of the highest Penalty Point ratings in the game is given "Most Wanted" status. For some, this is a way of gaining no small degree of fame.
  • PMOD: Short for production module. Production modules are modules that let players manufacture items, if the necessary raw materials are available.
  • PP: Penalty Points. Given to a player if they kill someone while not on a mission. Players with any number of Penalty Points may be arrested by the LED.
  • Termganking/Terminal ganking: The act of killing someone who is using a terminal, such as a market, storage or mining terminal, and usually away from their keyboard.
  • SW: A Special Warrant LED issued on players. A weaker version of a MW order, this warrant, now fallen into disuse, is essentially a general order to apprehend the person in question.
  • UC: Universal credits. These credits are the currency of the game, which are used to buy goods and services. UC are earned either by doing missions or through the extensive trading system.

[edit] History and changes

Face of Mankind had possibly one of the longest beta processes in the history of video gaming. Closed Beta testing started in April of 2004, and Open Beta started in February 2005. The second phase of open beta testing started in December 2005 and finished on March 23 2006, ready for the launch on March 27 2006. Open Beta gave FoM the biggest changes: three interface revamps, the Jupiter engine, and completely new character models.

[edit] Obsolete factions

These factions were present early in the beta, but were removed in December 2005 when a milestone patch was released. This patch became known as "The Wipe", due to the complete character, economic reset and the removal of some factions.

  • American Enterprises: The AE has a monopoly on the tremendous production capacities in the former American regions. They own manufacturing facilities and can use them in any way they require. The AE depends on a continuous flow of raw materials. There is talk of many illegal businesses. Not always does the AE succeed in corrupting SEC agents, so they have, of necessity, become resourceful in obtaining the needed raw materials.
  • Asian Coalition: After hard, bloody fights all companies of the former Asiatic regions united to the so called Asian Coalition. They possess the absolute power over all manufacturing plants in Tokyo and control this market with an iron fist. Their means are very disputed, but their effectiveness speaks for itself.
  • Global Intelligence Service: The secret service of the Dominion consists of 99.9% loyal agents and is not bound to follow the rule of law. With the most modern armaments and access to unlimited material and technical resources, they meet the fight against internal enemies and corruption with unrelenting diligence. However an invitation to join the G.I.S. is very hard to get. High personal qualifications and a history of loyal service to the GD are required. On undercover missions the risk of being killed is very, very high.

[edit] Game Criticism

Much criticism has accumulated over the years, mostly from the players themselves.

A major complain is the abusive usage of ingame tools and power being done by many players and factions. This includes the fining system as much as the turret usage of a certain faction.

Some players also object to the prevalence of offensive language/racism being done within the game and forum.

One other major complaint is the lack of things to do. Due to the political aspect of the game, it is not uncommon for a faction to go months at a time without warring. This leaves the player to find entertainment for him or herself, which often simply turns into ganking if the player doesn't leave. It is hoped, though, that with the future addition of different types of aliens, these periods of entertainment lag will be fixed.

However in recent months many players have regarded the game as severely underpopulated (as a result of going P2P) and as a result the former entertainment value of the game has been severely eroded.

[edit] Boxed version

Face of Mankind is planned for eventual retail sale as of 31st August 2006. The game client may only be downloaded from the website by clients who subscribed before the retail sale. Both methods provide the same client, with access to the same persistent world. Subscription cost is also the same for each.

The official German box art for Face of Mankind has been spotted on the Amazon German Store

[edit] Subscriptions

Face of Mankind does not have any free trials on offer. There is no way to try the game for free, however, you also do not have to pay for the client, unlike games such as World of Warcraft. The subscription cost is €9.99 per month.

[edit] Milestone 2

DPS has recently unveiled another milestone update for FoM.

It will contain huge changes to the Faction Structure and add player made Departments which will have their own type of player generated missions each. The Global Dominion Senate will be generally overhauled and supplemented by a Court System where elected players can play the judges over specific Crimes Also it will be possible to start a family including weddings.

Even Aliens will be finally back into the game and get their own Planet.

Milestone 2 Anouncement

Recent interview with Marko Dieckmann

[edit] External links

[edit] Unofficial 3rd Party Sites

[edit] Reviews