Facade (comics)

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Publisher DC Comics
First appearance Detective Comics # 821
Created by Paul Dini
Alter ego Erik Hanson
Abilities Peak human speed and strength

Facade, also known as Erik Hanson, is a DC Comics villain created by Paul Dini. His only appearance so far is in Detective Comics # 821.

[edit] History

Erik Hanson was a busboy at the Peregrinator's Club in Gotham City. As the club had a clientele of rich sophisticates and high class society members, one of the butlers, Edwards (who therefore had information on all of them), decided to steal from them, but "he lacked the motivation to rob them". Thus, he convinced Erik Hanson to form a gang of thieves to track down particular targets and mug them. Hanson thus took on the identity of Facade, using the club's money to bankroll the gang, and covering it up with the money from stealing. However, Batman detected a pattern of robberies and followed one of the thieves, a woman who had masqueraded to Bruce Wayne as a reporter.

Batman then entered their meeting place, attacking them and arresting all of the thieves...except Hanson, who escaped to the Peregrinator's Club to get whatever loot was possible.

But Batman followed him there, figuring out that Edwards had given him the information, and stopping them both. Facade is now presumably in prison ... and Batman has hung up another mask on the wall.

[edit] Abilities, Weapons

Hanson is very strong and fast. Though he probably is not superhuman, it is likely that he is at a peak human level, as observed by Batman in his hideout. Facade is also highly intelligent and confident of his abilities.

In his hideout, Facade has a number of store mannequin's that hide machine guns under the wrists, opening up and automatically firing at an intruder.