Fabrizio Cicchitto

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Fabrizio Cicchitto (Rome, October 26, 1940) is an Italian politician.

[edit] Career

The secretary of the Italian Socialist Party's youth wing, Fabrizio Cicchitto joined the party itself in the same period, becoming a supporter of the Marxist wing and Riccardo Lombardi. Cicchitto also became sympathetic to Eurocommunism and the Historic Compromise path taken by the Italian Communist Party (PCI), while being highly critical of Christian Democracy (DC) itself, as well as of the American CIA and the Italian Servizio Informazioni Difesa. According to him, DC would have taken profit from the Red Brigades' activities and the Aldo Moro case to cut off relations with the PCI.

He subscribed as number 2232 (card 945) to the lobby Propaganda Due (P2) masonic lodge, involved in Gladio's strategy of tension during the 1970s and 1980s; shortly after this move, Cicchitto was excluded from the Socialist Party. Readmitted toward the end of the Eighties, he followed the policies of Bettino Craxi and held minor posts throughout the Mani pulite-Tangentopoli scandals that saw the disestablishment of most Italian political parties. Cicchitto joined Silvio Berlusconi's centre-right party Forza Italia, leading its social-democratic wing We Blue Reformists. He had been a Socialist member of either the Italian Chamber of Deputies or the Italian Senate for three successive terms. He is currently the vice-president of Forza Italia's group in the Chamber, and national deputy-coordinator of the party from 2003.

He has contributed to steps taken by Italy in its adoption of the European Monetary System and the Maastricht Treaty, and has taken part in debates over privatization in the country. Since 1998, Cicchitto contributes editorials to Il Giornale, and is currently a member of the editorial staff for Avanti!.

[edit] Works

  • Il pensiero economico cattolico
  • Politiche nuove per l'industria italiana
  • Dall'utopia al potere
  • Rapporto pubblico e privato e modernizzazione dell' industria italiana
  • Rodolfo Morandi, il partito e la democrazia industriale
  • Il governo Craxi
  • Storia del centro-sinistra
  • Riflessioni sulla fine della prima repubblica e sulla sinistra di governo
  • De Gasperi e Togliatti, due protagonisti
  • La DC dopo il primo ventennio
  • Le scelte dei democratici
  • Dal centro-sinistra all'alternativa
  • Il grande inganno
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