Expedition to Lake Pahoe
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Monty Python's Expedition to Lake Pahoe sketch appeared in the Flying Circus TV Show as Episode 32.
The sketch features a reporter at the site of the preparations for the British Naval Expedition to Lake Pahoe. Much Dadaism ensues, with the reporter's appearance sporting a bewildering series of pirate paraphernalia, such as a parrot, a wooden leg, and so on. The first leader of the expedition, Sir Jane, is given to hippie jargon; a psychedelic recruitment ad for the Navy is then followed by a new reporter and a new leader, Sir John, who delivers an impromptu statement regarding the relative lack of cannibalism and necrophilia in the new Navy, slightly marred by his having to block the camera's view of a Naval rating about to bite into a human leg. Uncharted Lake Pahoe turns out to be located at 22A Runcorn Avenue, just by Blenheim Crescent; after a minimal bit of investigation, the lake is located in the downstairs apartment. The scuba-wearing tenants, disappointed in their hopes that it was the Council come to do something about the damp and the shark infestation, give the Expedition a dismissive gesture, and "Well um... that would appear to be the end of the expedition", says Sir John.