Exile (Last Exile)

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Exile, in Last Exile, is a massive interstellar transport ship that originated on Earth and brought people to the world of Prester.

Revealed in the middle of the Last Exile series, it was seem as a mysterious object throughout the early part of the series. Activated by a poem, known as The Mysterion it has no allegiances to any of the three nations: Anatoray, Disith, and The Guild. The actual ship features no defense from attack, using a Biogenic Circulating Claudia reactor for power, but the protective cocoon that covers it is perhaps the most deadly to be found on Prester.

The defense consists of a near-impenetrable cocoon, which contains massive metallic tentacles, which are strong enough to breach the armor of any ship in the world of Prester. It is also extremely aggressive, attacking anything that comes within its perception, regardless of who owns or pilots the ship. The defense will only cease from attacking if it senses a person with the activation gene on board of a craft.

Exile appears to have little care about its own location, as it only allows guild ships to tow it along even as it destroys them. It can carry a crew of up to 10,000 people, and only requires one person to activate it. Once activated, it will make trips between Earth and Prester autonomously.

Knowledge of Exile's existence seems to at one time have been known throughout the world of Prester, but as years passed, eventually became a mythical figure, which was the subject of much speculation to what it was, ranging from a coffin where the gods who created Prester slept, to a gateway to another world. The technologically-capable Guild seems to have preserved the knowledge of Exile's true nature over the years, as the Maestro Delphine refers to it as a colony ship when speaking with Alvis Hamilton.

[edit] See also