Exciting causes

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Homeopathy considers that diseases are the manifestations of some causes. Samuel Hahnemann founded that without causes, whatever they may be, no disease can be produced symptoms or syndromes of illness, during his experimentation in homoeopathic science. He founded that Exciting causes are the one of the causes which exites and generate the acute condition of a disease. This cause is also considered to acute manifestation producer of acuteness of chronic diseases conditions and produce acute diseases.

A well known homeopath John Fletcher defines exciting causes that "an exciting cause may be defined to be some accidental variation of the cicumstances affecting the body which, though like wise insufficient in itself to produce a morbid changes, may still co-operate with the predisposing cause in doing so."

Hahnemann catagotized exciting causes in four part, as he writes in aphorism-73:

  • want of optimum hygienic conditions [e.g. excess or insufficience in food or sleep or rest etc.]
  • Meteoric climate i.e. physical forces] and telluric [physical substancese, water soil] influences and
  • acute miasms and these are again the inevitable result of calamities of war, inundations and famine

[edit] Significance of Causation :

In Homoeopathy, causation have very important role for selection of medicine. But today, the physician indexing causation in the following categories.

[edit] See also