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Excitatism (also known as the "Society of the Excitatus") is a Christian interpretation, or denomination, that focuses on the belief that sin is contextual. It is a Christian movement aimed at giving Christians a stronger connection with the non-Christians in order to increase the positive influence toward the unsaved while reducing negative influence toward the saved. It also attempts to enlighten Christians into a greater comprehension of the metaphysical relationship with God including, but not limited to, direct or verbal communication, prophesying, and developing other superhuman abilities.


[edit] Founding and history

The official doctrine of Excitatism was started in August of 2003 and finished in early 2006 by Terry Dean Epperson Jr. The doctrine was six pages handwritten, but was stolen only a few months later. However, a sample of the doctrine containing only the first page was recovered, written in the Excitatic language known as ElXorCeIn (El-Xor[sore]-Ce[say]-In[eye-n]). Currently, the doctrine is being rewritten while including the main points of the interpretation.

[edit] Prime Points

[edit] Contextual Sin

What is considered a sin by standard Biblical scriptures is contextual in the sense that it must meet one of two conditions. First, and most importantly, it must be directly against Biblical teaching. For example, homosexuality, drunkenness, using illegal or mind-altering drugs, cheating, lying, deceiving, and so forth. Second, if not offending the first condition, the action must presently be offensive, whether in nature or context. For example, the use of the vulgar term "shit" in the phrase, "I feel like shit," would not be a sin if no one present, spoken to directly or indirectly, was offended. However, regardless, the phrase "He's a dumb shit," would meet this condition because it was offensive in nature.

[edit] Spiritual Gifts and Empowerment

Every Christian receives a gift via the Holy Spirit. It is imperative that the gift be recognized and utilized as soon as possible in order to prevent the loss of that gift. Some gifts are evident while others may be somewhat difficult to determine. Powers are not limited by any means, but every gift must be used and conditioned to glorifying God. From sensing life to visions of God, there is no boundary in what gift one may have. However, gifts may only be used in a situation that will ultimately glorify God and benefit the Christian faith.

[edit] Immutable (or Continual) Prayer

Prayer is an ongoing, neverending action. Every conscious thought within one's own mind is communication, and every Christian possesses the entity of God (Holy Spirit) within his or her self. Thus, every thought is prayer, as prayer is any form of expression from one spirit to a separate entity's spirit and vis-versa. However, it is important to maintain traditional prayer by bowing your head, bending to your knees, and so forth, to make a display of humility, yet an important focus is to constantly communicate with God through your consciousness that a stronger relationship may be developed.

[edit] Conscious Spiritual Acknowledgement and Response

Considering the concept of Immutable Prayer, it is important to focus on a response to everyday communication. A back-and-forth conversation, much like person-to-person verbal communication, is common and easily possible with the Holy Spirit for any Christian.

[edit] The Great Common Sins

It is a belief of the Excitatii (as well as many Christians) that the world has lost its morality. It is important for every Christian and Excitatus to remain distant from Drug-use (illegal, abusive, non-necessary, etc., excluding necessary medical prescriptions, vitamins, etc.), Alcoholism (drinking under-age, being drunk, etc.), and Sex (oral, anal, any form of foreplay, etc.) and Pornography (video, image, writing, etc.).

[edit] Calvinism

Calvinism, specifically the idea of pre-destination, is a belief of many Christians and the Excitatii. This is because, according to Excitatic doctrine, to deny God knowing who would ultimately end up in Heaven and Hell prior to their creation would be equal to denying God's omnipotence, and to deny God's omnipotence is to directly speak against Biblical texts and scriptures.

[edit] ElXorCeIn

ElXorCeIn is a language developed accordingly with the Excitatic doctrine to ensure safe keeping and secrecy of special texts, writings, and communications. It contains its own set of grammar rules with over 80 different characters.

[edit] Conversion

Joining the Society of the Excitatus involves two steps: First, reciting the Excitatin Conversion Prayer, and, secondly, contacting a member of the Society for record-keeping.

[edit] The Excitatin Conversion Prayer

God, Creator of all that is and was, grant me the enlightenment that I humbly bow down to accept. Grant me Your divine intellect and wisdom that I may glorify You through Your son, Jesus Christ, whom You have used to provide mankind the opportunity to revelate. Grant me Your greatest blessings in this life, and give me the relationship with Jesus that you desire. Let your divine understanding enter my heart that I may lead the rest of mankind to you. Bless our leaders that their life may prosper and their wisdom may continue to guide all of the Excitatii. Make me a prominent member of the society, be it Your will, and allow me to contribute greatly to my fellow brethren. Enlighten us all, and bless the Excitatii. Amen.