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Excellion is a character from the Transformers: Cybertron series. He is a repaint of Hot Shot and a homage to Generation One Hot Rod.

Transformers Character
Affiliation Autobot
Sub-Group Deluxe Vehicles
Micro Vehicles
Alternate mode(s) Chrysler ME 412
Cyber Code d7p5
Series Transformers: Cybertron
Transformers: Attacktix

[edit] Transformers: Cybertron (2006)

An outsider among the Autobots because of his brooding attitude, Excellion is one of the very few Autobot warriors who the Decepticons think of with any respect, but that respect is earned. Excellion has made an art of speed and stealth, moving back and forth across enemy lines as if he were invisible. More than once, he has retrieved vital information from within a Decepticon stronghold, or quickly and quietly disposed of a particularly annoying enemy agent.

[edit] Toys

  • Deluxe Excellion (2006)
A redeco of Deluxe Cybertron Hot Shot. In 2006 a special edition of Excelliion was available in Walmart stores which contained a DVD with the episode "Cybertron" as a promotional item - despite the fact that he wasn't in that episode.
  • Legends of Cybertron Red Hot Shot (2006)
Despite being a redeco of Hot Shot in the same colors as Excellion, the box called this toy Hot Shot, even if it's clearly Excellion. The vehicle mode is based on a Chrysler ME 412 done at a scale of about 1:61.
Attacktix Excellion
Attacktix Excellion
  • Attacktix Exellion (2006)
Excellion was released as a figure TF10 in the Attacktix collectable game.