Ex Post Facto (Voyager episode)

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Star Trek: VOY episode
"Ex Post Facto"

The memory implanted into Paris
Episode no. 8
Prod. code 108
Airdate February 27, 1995
Writer(s) Evan Carlos Somers
Michael Piller
Director LeVar Burton
Guest star(s) Robin McKee as Lidell Ren
Henry Brown as Numiri Captain
Ray Reinhardt as Tolen Ren
Francis Guinan as Minister Kray
Aaron Lustig as Doctor
Year 2371
Stardate 48610.1
Episode chronology
Previous "Eye of the Needle"
Next "Emanations"

Ex Post Facto is the eighth episode of Star Trek: Voyager. The episode's title is Latin for "from a thing done afterward", and refers to the concept of retrospective law.

[edit] Plot

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Ensign Kim returns to Voyager from a visit to a planet occupied by a people known as the Banea with news that Lieutenant Paris, who was also on the trip, has been accused and convicted of the murder of the scientist, Tolen Ren, with whom they were working.

Voyager is flown in to investigate this conviction, and encounters a patrol ship governed by the Numiri, a race with which the Banea are at war. The patrol allows Voyager to enter the warzone with no resistance.

Paris denies the accusation of murder but the evidence, being the very last memories of Ren's life extracted from his mind, show otherwise. These memories have been implanted by a Banean doctor into Paris' mind, so that he regularly relives the murder through the eyes of his victim, as required by the Banean justice system. However, Paris becomes ill as a result and the Banean doctor permits Captain Janeway to take him to Voyager for evaluation, while Chief of Security Tuvok visits the planet to investigate for himself.

At this point, the Numiri launch an attack on Voyager, but fail.

Tuvok decides that he must see the memories for himself and performs a mind meld with Paris, during which he sees unusual scripture superimposed on the visions. When the mind meld is complete, Tuvok believes he has enough evidence to secure Paris' innocence, and can explain the Numiri attack.

It transpires that the Banean doctor is a spy for the Numiri, and altered the memories as they were extracted from Ren's mind, so that it appeared that Paris was the murderer. Then, when the memories were implanted into Paris, they were altered by the doctor further to incorporate sensitive technology information. By permitting Paris to leave the planet and return to Voyager, the doctor was providing the perfect opportunity for the Numiri to acquire Paris and with him the stolen information.

Paris is released, and the doctor arrested along with Ren's wife who was complicit in the murder of her husband. Voyager leaves the Banean homeworld and continues its journey.

[edit] Notes

[edit] External links