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Evlekis (Serbian/Macedonian: Евлекис, Bulgarian: (see Macedonian), Greek: Ευλεκής, Croatian, Slovene, and Bosnian: Evlekis, Polish: Ewlekis, Swedish: Ävläkes, Danish and Norwegian Bokmal: Ævlækes, Hungarian: Evlekész, Montenegrin: Евле... (most are too lazy to finish the sentence), Italian: Evlechisi, Albanian: Evshëlki, German: Ewlekiß, and Spanish: Eblequis) was born in Wiltshire in the UK on June 25, 1976 and has to date lived more or less in the same place.


[edit] Education

The parents of the user were from the Yugoslav diaspora of the late 1960's to the UK. Their own backgrounds meant that the user would be of Orthodox faith but that meant problems in finding a school in such a small place. In the end, they opted for a Catholic school where the user would be educated. Well, where he would at least attend. Sadly, the twelve years of basic education were misspent, no qualifications were achieved and so the user had to settle for a working man's life. This did indeed embarrass the parents as most of their colleagues from the same diaspora were boasting their children as successful and being in university and ultimately getting good work. But they loved him all the same.

[edit] Language

The user grew up with the ability to communicate in more than one language. The natural language of the parents was Macedonian (of the then Yugoslav republic) and this was the first language learned by the user. From the age of six, he was attending classes in this language, and from eight, in Serbo-Croat which was the principle language of the land of his parents. A year later he was introduced to a Bulgarian family who would look after him when his parents worked, and so the user picked up Bulgarian. By now it was rather simple because of the similarity with the other languages. This would come in useful in later life when the user would meet his wife-to-be, who came from Bulgaria of all places.

[edit] The end of Yugoslavia

The user was raised in a Yugoslav spirit in quite the same way that most young people of their respective countries of the world are today, atleast the stable ones. As one by one, the republics broke away and as war raged, and as the whole area was the main subject of the international news accross the globe for the wrong reasons, the user's world was torn apart. Even though a country called Yugoslavia did exist after 1992, a country which the user would love very much, he could not bring himself to hate the others, he always respected the rights of significant groups, especially where nationality was concerned, and besides, the region from where his own family originated did itself break away. Then came the solution. Having grown up never to see Bulgaria a part of the federation but still very closely affiliated to her and her people, he realised that a single country was not at all necessary, what mattered was that the people from one border to the next could embrace each other as friends and welcome each other warmly. It appeared that this phenomenon is very possible. And so the user would often join friends from the former republics plus Bulgaria who would at various times gather to throw parties, whereby local food would be eaten and local music would be played, just like the old Yugoslav events which took place before the 1990's.

Like this, he or she who wanted to come was welcome, and they who didn't were not missed. Even now, the user will occasionally visit certain cafés in London which entertain people from the Balkans; and to these same venues, musical acts from the former Yugoslav republics will perform every so often.

[edit] More languages

Since the mid 90s, the user slowly began to pick up bits and pieces of foreign languages; this he did from travelling backward and forward, and from mixing with general crowds in larger towns. He picked up lots of Greek from constantly flying to Thessaloniki and subsequently travelling by road to the northern border. A relationship with a lady in Novi Sad from 1999 to 2000 meant that the user would fly to Budapest from where he'd carry out the same kind of journey as with Greece. This was of course because of the crisis in Kosovo in 1999, with no planes landing in Belgrade. This way, Hungarian was picked up slightly. Trips in 1995, 1997, 1998, and 2000 to the Netherlands over several weekends each year tought the user some Dutch and more about Germanic languages. This led to the most successful attempt at a language given that all learning was private, and for fun. Swedish became technicly a third language for the user (given that the Slavic Balkan languages are a little too close together for the user to really class them as seperate, even though he knows they are). But without practise, this too has deteriorated and improved from time to time.

[edit] Politics

The user wishes for it to be known that he is an egalitarian. He respects all people's wishes and desires and prefers to stay outside of political debate. There are some issues however. Having seen what happened in the Balkans, the user is mostly Anti-War for clear reasons. Though he is not outright opposed to war. He does believe that countries may defend themselves whilst on their own soil, but even this leads to questions, how does one define what is his soil? Simply because 150 countries recognise it? What about the others? And what about you when you are on your own? Do the feelings of a whole community not matter just because the so-called civilised world is against them? It can be a tough issue, but one thing is for certain, the user believes that no government has the right to send soldiers into a country outside of its periphery.

    Country A borders Country B; the borlerline counties of Country B 
have a population, 60% of whom identify as the main ethnic group of 
Country A; this, say Country A, derives from a time when the whole 
region used to be under 'A'. 'B' claim however that their people 
lived there for longer, as they arrived 500 years earlier, and they 
also claim that 'A'-ites had long been immigrating so as to 
enhance the demographic statistics. The 'A's of 'B'-Land want      
independence, so they start by asking for more rights, but whatever 
they get, they are not satisfied with and in the end, 'B'ites 
from 'B'land in 'A' majority areas start going missing, girls are 
being raped, people are being burgled, harmed, and forced to leave. 
The 'B' central office sends its police, at this stage it is just a 
crime problem to be dealt with locally, but the police find they 
are being shot at, some are even killed and now it emerges that  
this is not just a crime wave, but the victims all have something  
in common :-
(a pattern), they are 'B'-ites and local 'A'-ites who do not 
support a breakaway. As the B military intervenes, huge numbers of  
A-ites flee, those who resist are killed; the world is watching, 
the world looks on in horror! And so it is down to Country 'C' and  
its friends, 'D' and 'E' to get involved!! Country 'C' is about  
16,000 miles away, or 25,000 km. In fact the only reason that 
country C is not any farther away is that with Earth being the   
size that it is, it is impossible to be any farther, a step in any  
direction brings you "closer". Anyhow, 'C' intervenes using force 
after "failed negotiations" (ie. let A have their freedom or we  
will strike), and thus a war happens and defenceless 'B' is forced  
to give up its territory. A is now GREATER 'A'. Ten years later,   
with 'B's former dictator deposed from internally, and with a new 
socialist group in Greater-A gaining popularity, disillusioned with 
all their comodities ending up in the pockets of businessmen from 
countries C, D and E, making their economies bigger at the expence 
of A, the problem simmers. 'C's administration talks of Marxist 
guerillas who wish to overturn 'A's democracy (consisting of a 
king, and nobody else). The leftists come to power when 95% 
overturn the king. Who are the other 5%? They are the remaining 'B' 
ethnics from the borderland with 'B'land which coincidently is 
where the ink is being produced, so vital for C-Land's 
typewriters and telex machines, and it is this what the new 
Leftists want to re-nationalise. A perfect time for the world to 
hear the cries of the A-Land 'B'-ites, which for ten years fell on 
deaf ears. Similar problems occur, 'C' now has the impetus for    
interfering and telling the world that they are impaertial because 
ten years ago, they helped the opposition. C along with the  
whole "international community" of D, E and 
microstates X, Y and since last month Z join C in  
returning B's old territory to the B-ites and the ink is once 
again privatized and so on.

In the above scenario, the user does not critisize A or B for their desires and cannot condem their actions since one act of war leads to a response like in a game of tennis. However, the user critisizes C on both occasions, whether supporting Ethnic Group A, or B. This should now build the picture as to his feelings. D, E and XYZ may all be forgiven for being puppets.

The user tries to follow what goes on in the world and tries to take an interest in news, current affairs and the economics of all people in all countries.

[edit] Music

With his Balkan background the user listens to a lot of the usual Pop and Folk from those countries. See Turbo-folk.

Living in England however sees a different music taste. The user hates most 21st century music and artists, and instead listens to groups and artists from days gone by. The user is a huge fan of Thin Lizzy and loves listening to Led Zeppelin, Genesis, Sex Pistols, Rolling Stones, Elvis Presely, The Clash, ACDC, Black Sabbath and Ozzy Osbourne. The user does not respect the wife of the latter and he gets sick when hearing about the X-Factor.

[edit] Contact information

The user speaks to all intelligent Wikipedians, that means about 0.0023% (2005 estimate). The absolute majority may indeed write to him if need be at:

Evlekis 14:35, 3 December 2006 (UTC) Евлекис

[edit] Cyrrillic

You are wrong about Cyrillic in Kosovo. Cyrillic is not used in Kosovo and was not used until 1995, when Milosevic made Cyrillic a part of his nationalistic agenda. Give me an email address and I will try to send to you parts of my "isvod" issued before 1990 and you will understand what I am saying. Besides I googled her and no Serbian website mentioned her anywhere. --Noah30 08:47, 18 February 2007 (UTC)

I am happy with your solution so far. Have a nice week and I am glad we found a solution --Noah30 20:48, 21 February 2007 (UTC)