Every Man a Tiger

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Every Man a Tiger (1999) is Tom Clancy's second book in his study of command series. It is partially a biography of General Chuck Horner (CENTAF during Operation Desert Storm and Desert Shield), but mostly it is a study of the command decisions, preparations, and execution of air war of Operation Desert Storm.

The book is mostly written by Tom Clancy with sections where he uses General Horner's own words.

Books by Tom Clancy

1980s: The Hunt for Red October | Red Storm Rising | Patriot Games | The Cardinal of the Kremlin | Clear and Present Danger
1990s: The Sum of All Fears | Without Remorse | Debt of Honor | Executive Orders | SSN | Rainbow Six
2000s: The Bear and the Dragon | Red Rabbit | The Teeth of the Tiger

1990s: Submarine | Armored Cav | Fighter Wing | Marine | Into the Storm | Airborne | Carrier | Every Man a Tiger
2000s: Special Forces | Shadow Warriors | Battle Ready