European route E6

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E6 is the designation for the main north-south road in Norway, and the west coast of Sweden, running from the southern tip of Sweden (Trelleborg), into Norway and through almost all of the country north to Finnmark. The route ends close to the Norwegian border with Russia. Its length is 3140 km.

This road was called E6 in the old "E" road system before 1985, and it was given the number E47 (but not signposted) in the new system on most of the scandinavian part, and E6 only for the northernmost 700 km. After a political negotiation all of the scandinavian part was given the number E6 also in the new system which was introduced in Scandinavia 1992.

The road E6 passes over treeless mountain passes on a few places in Norway. In the winter the weather conditions often can be so rough that the road must be closed temporarily.

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