European Union Special Representative

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The European Union Special Representatives are emissaries of the European Union with specific tasks abroad. They serve as the eyes and ears of the European Union, promote democracy and good governance, and generally represent the European Union in a specific region.

Currently, they are funded and coordinated by the High Representative of the Common Foreign and Security Policy, in the person of Javier Solana.


[edit] List of European Union Special Representatives

[edit] Bosnia and Herzegovina

Lord Paddy Ashdown was appointed EU Special Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina on March 11, 2002. He simultanesouly serves as High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina, a United Nations function created in 1995, to oversee the implementation of the Dayton peace accords. He represents the European Union and the United Nations and is the most well-known of the Special Representatives. Although he is not formally engaged in politics within Bosnia and Herzegovina, his ability to discharge public servants makes him very influential. On the January 30th he was replaced by Christian Schwarz-Schilling.

[edit] Central Asia

Ján Kubiš was appointed EU Special Representative for Central Asia on July 18, 2005. He is to promote good and close relations between the countries of Central Asia and the EU, contributing to strengthening of democracy, rule of law, good governance and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms in Central Asia. He is also considered the eyes and ears of the European Union in the region, coordinating with other relevant partners and international organizations, such as the OSCE. In July 2006, he resigned and was succeeded by Pierre Morel.

[edit] Sudan

Pekka Haavisto was appointed EU Special Representative for Sudan on July 18, 2005. His mandate covers efforts to achieve a political settlement of the Darfur conflict, to help the implementation of the peace agreement in the Second Sudanese Civil War and to promote dialogue between the ethnic groups concerned. He is to respect the principle of African ownership, and thus defers to the African Union. He will also facilitate the European contribution to the African Union Mission in Sudan (AMIS I).

[edit] Moldova

Adriaan Jacobovits de Szeged was appointed EU Special Representative for Moldova on March 23, 2005. His role is to strengthen the EU contribution to the resolution of the Transnistria conflict in close coordination with the OSCE. He is to facilitate the border control recently started by the EU.

[edit] Republic of Macedonia

Erwan Fouéré was appointed EU Special Representative in Republic of Macedonia on October 17, 2005. His mandate is to contribute to the consolidation of the peaceful political process and the full implementation of the Ohrid Framework Agreement, thereby facilitating further progress towards European integration through the Stabilisation and Association Process.

[edit] Middle East

Marc Otte was appointed EU Special Representative for the Middle East peace process on 14 July 2003. The mandate of the Special Representative is based on the EU's policy objectives regarding the Middle East peace process, which include a two-State solution with Israel and a democratic, viable, peaceful and sovereign Palestinian State living side-by-side within secure and recognised borders enjoying normal relations with their neighbours in accordance with UN Security Council Resolutions 242, 338, 1397 and 1402 and the principles of the Madrid conference.

[edit] South Caucasus

Peter Semneby was appointed EU Special Representative for the South Caucasus on 20 February 2006, taking over from Heikki Talvitie who was Special Representative from 7 July 2003. The EUSR will contribute to the implementation of the EU's policy objectives, which include assisting the countries of the South Caucasus in carrying out political and economic reforms, preventing and assisting in the resolution of conflicts, promoting the return of refugees and internally displaced persons, engaging constructively with key national actors neighbouring the region, supporting intra-regional co-operation and ensuring co-ordination, consistency and effectiveness of the EU's action in the South Caucasus. The EUSR will support the work of High Representative Solana in the region.

[edit] Afghanistan

Francesc Vendrell was appointed EU Special Representative in Afghanistan on 25 June 2002. His mandate is to contribute, through close liaison with and support for the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr Brahmini, to achieving the implementation of the Union's policy in Afghanistan.

[edit] Great Lakes region

Aldo Ajello was appointed EU Special Envoy for the African Great Lakes Region on 25 March 1996. Mr Ajello works closely with the UN and AU (African Union) and with the prominent African figures who are assisting the international community's efforts. He maintains constant contact with the Governments of the countries in the region. Through its Special Envoy the Union is able — in extremely difficult circumstances — to make its voice heard and make known its desire to contribute to solving the crises in the region.

[edit] External links