European Union Science Olympiad

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[edit] Brief History & Description of EUSO

The European Union Science Olympiad (EUSO) is a competitive team contest for secondary school students from the European Union Countries, 16 years of age or younger. From each country two teams of three students are selected and therefore prepared for the competition. The competition is comprised of two approximately three hours long practical tests, which require laboratory skills and theoretical knowledge in all three subjects, Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The first competition was held in 2003 in Dublin, Ireland, with the participation of seven countries. The EUSO 2004 took place in Gronigen, the Netherlands, with the participation of nine countries. The EUSO 2005 took place in Galway, Ireland with the participation of nine countries. The EUSO 2006 was held in Brussels, Belgium with 12 countries participated. The fifth EUSO will be held in Potsdam, Brandenburg, Germany from the 25th of March to the 1st of April 2007, with the participation of eighteen countries. As outlined in the EUSO website the main goals and objectives of EUSO are[1]:

[edit] Objectives of the EUSO

to challenge and stimulate gifted science students to develop their talents and to promote their career as scientists

to provide invaluable experience for students who may take part in the International Science Olympiads

to offer the opportunity to compare the syllabi and educational trends in science education within the EU member states which could help improve science education at national levels

[edit] Aims of the Competition

to select the top young EU science student teams at the annual EUSO

to stimulate the active interest of students in the sciences

to promote and reward the pursuit of excellence in scientific endeavour

to foster a positive and high profile image of science and scientists

to encourage an appreciation of the value of science amongst the wider community

to convey to students, schools and the community the importance of advanced study and progressive learning in science

to exchange ideas and materials about science education among EU states

to encourage greater contact and co-operation between secondary school students and teachers from the EU

to prepare EU science students for the International Science Olympiads

[edit] Winners of EUSO Trophy and Gold Medalist Teams

EUSO 2006: EUSO TROPHY Germany (Team A) GOLD MEDALS Latvia (Team A), Netherlands (Team B)

EUSO 2005: EUSO TROPHY Slovakia (Team A) GOLD MEDALS Germany (Team B)

EUSO 2004: EUSO TROPHY Germany T2 GOLD MEDALS Germany T3.

EUSO 2003: GOLD MEDALS United Kingdom T3 & Netherlands T2.

[edit] Participating Countries in EUSO 2007

Belgium, Ireland, Cyprus, Malta, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Sweden, Greece, Denmark, United Kingdom, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Germany, Spain, Latvia, Netherlands