European Parliament political group

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Political groups in the European Parliament combine the MEPs from European political parties, informal European political blocs, and independents, into powerful coalitions. Each group must consist of no less than 20 MEPs from six different EU member states.

The EP groups as of January 1, 2007
The EP groups as of January 1, 2007

Each group appoints a "group co-ordinator", charged with the task of deciding which way the group should vote in Parliament. It is worth noting, however, that no member is bound by this decision, and there is no official punishment incurred for voting against the party group, such as the "whips" often employed in national parliaments.

The political group chairs, meeting in the Conference of Presidents, decide what issues will be dealt with at the plenary session of the European Parliament. Political groups can table motions for resolutions and also amendments to reports that are to be voted on.

European Parliament seats by political groups, from 1979 to 2004
European Parliament seats by political groups, from 1979 to 2004

As an example of how these groups can benefit European political parties, the European Greens - European Free Alliance group has 42 members, but only 5 of these are from the European Free Alliance. The other 37 are from the European Greens. This coalition means both parties have more power in the European Parliament than they would have as stand-alone parties, thus bringing their causes much-needed additional support.

Group Component parties/subgroups Seats
European People's Party–European Democrats (EPP-ED) European People's Party (EPP)
European Democrats (ED)
Group of the Party of European Socialists Party of European Socialists (PES) 218
Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) European Liberal Democrat and Reform Party (ELDR)
European Democratic Party (EDP)
+ 2 unaffiliated national parties
Union for Europe of the Nations (UEN) Alliance for Europe of the Nations (AEN)
EUDemocrats (EUD) (part)
+ 3 unaffiliated national parties
European Greens–European Free Alliance (Greens-EFA) European Green Party (EGP)
European Free Alliance (EFA)
+1 unaffiliated national party
European United Left–Nordic Green Left (GUE-NGL) Party of the European Left
Nordic Green Left Alliance (NGLA)
+ 5 unaffiliated national parties
Independence and Democracy (IND/DEM) Alliance of Independent Democrats in Europe (AIDE)
EUDemocrats (EUD) (part)
+ 3 unaffiliated national parties
Identity, Tradition, Sovereignty (ITS) Euronat
+ 5 unaffiliated national parties
Non Attached (Non-Inscrits) (NI) 14

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

Pan-European political organisations
Flag of the European Union
Recognized by the EU as "political parties at European level":

European Democratic Party | EUDemocrats | European Free Alliance | European Green Party | Alliance of Independent Democrats in Europe | Party of the European Left | European Liberal Democrat and Reform Party | Alliance for Europe of the Nations | European People's Party | Party of European Socialists

Other pan-European confederations of national political parties:

European Anticapitalist Left | European Christian Political Movement | European Democrat Union | Euronat | European National Front | Nordic Green Left Alliance | Movement for European Reform | Platform for Transparency

Dedicated pan-European parties:

Europe – Democracy – Esperanto | Newropeans

Political groups in the European Parliament
Political groups in EP

EPP–ED (277) | PES (218) | ALDE (105) | UEN (44) | Greens–EFA (42) | EUL–NGL (41) | IND/DEM (23) | ITS (21)
• 14 MEPs are not attached to any political group •

Related articles: table of political parties in Europe by pancontinental organisation,
elections in the European Union, party composition of the council

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