European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages

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The European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages (ECRML) is a European treaty (CETS 148) adopted in 1992 under the auspices of the Council of Europe to protect and promote historical regional and minority languages in Europe. It only applies to languages traditionally used by the nationals of the State Parties (thus excluding languages used by recent immigrants from other states), which significantly differ from the majority or official language (thus excluding what the state party wishes to consider as mere local dialects of the official or majority language) and which either have a territorial basis (and are therefore traditionally spoken by populations of regions or areas within the State) or are used by linguistic minorities within the State as a whole (thereby including such languages as Yiddish and Romani, which are used over a wide geographic area).

Languages which are official within regions or provinces or federal units within a State (for example Catalan in Spain) are not classified as official languages of the State and may therefore benefit from the Charter. On the other hand, the Republic of Ireland has not been able to sign the Charter on behalf of the Irish language (although a minority language) as it is defined as the first official language of the state. The United Kingdom has, though, ratified the Charter in respect of (among other languages) Irish in Northern Ireland. France, although a signatory, has been constitutionally blocked from ratifying the Charter in respect of the languages of France.

The charter provides a large number of different actions state parties can take to protect and promote historical regional and minority languages. There are two levels of protection—all signatories must apply the lower level of protection to qualifying languages; signatories may further declare that a qualifying language or languages will benefit from the higher level of protection which lists a range of actions from which states must agree to undertake at least 35.

[edit] Languages protected under the Charter

The countries which have ratified the the Charter and the languages for which the ratification was made are the following:

Flag of Armenia Armenia ratification: 25 January 2002

Flag of Austria Austria ratification: 28 June 2001[1]

Flag of Croatia Croatia ratification: 5 November 1997

Flag of Cyprus Cyprus ratification: 26 August 2002

Flag of Czech Republic Czech Republic ratification: 15 November 2006

Flag of Denmark Denmark ratification: 8 September 2000[2]

Flag of Finland Finland ratification: 9 November 1994

Flag of Germany Germany ratification: 16 September 1998[3]

Flag of Hungary Hungary ratification: 26 April 1995

Flag of Liechtenstein Liechtenstein ratification: 18 November 1997

  • No regional or minority languages

Flag of Luxembourg Luxembourg ratification: 22 June 2005

  • (to be confirmed)[4]

Flag of Montenegro Montenegro ratification: 15 February 2006

Flag of Netherlands Netherlands ratification: 2 May 1996

Flag of Norway Norway ratification: 10 November 1993

Flag of Serbia Serbia ratification: 15 February 2006

Flag of Slovakia Slovakia ratification: 5 September 2001

Flag of Slovenia Slovenia ratification: 4 October 2000

Flag of Spain Spain ratification: 9 April 2001

Flag of Sweden Sweden ratification: 9 February 2000

Flag of Switzerland Switzerland ratification: 23 December 1997

Flag of Ukraine Ukraine ratification: 19 September 2005

  • (To be confirmed)[5]

Flag of United Kingdom United Kingdom ratification : 27/3/2001

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Austria has ratified the Charter for each language in respect of specific Länder
  2. ^ Notes Verbales accompanying the Danish ratification specified that, whilst the Charter was not going to be ratified in respect of the two languages, Faroese and Greenlandic are each official in their respective territories
  3. ^ Germany has ratified the Charter for each language in respect of specific Länder
  4. ^ Luxembourg is not listed on the Council of Europe site
  5. ^ As of March 2007, Ukraine's entry on the on the Council of Europe site does not list the languages in respect of which the Republic of Ukraine has ratified the Charter.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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