Eurogames (LGBT sporting event)

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The EuroGames are a gay and lesbian sporting event in Europe, hosted by license of the European Gay and Lesbian Sport Federation and organised by one or more of the federation's member clubs.

The EuroGames are officially called the European Gay and Lesbian Multi-Sports Championships.

Similar to the Gay Games, Eurogames are a sports-for-all-event, open to everyone, irrespective of sex, age, sexual identity or physical abilities.

EuroGames are a two day event. Big EuroGames are organised in the same years as Olympic Games, while since 2001 small EuroGames with a maximum of 1,500 participants and seven sports are held in all odd years. This format however is likely to change in the future.
The 'small' EuroGames Utrecht 2005 had almost 3,000 participants, nine competition sports and lasted three days, making them the biggest 'small' Games ever.

The EGLSF, with the organizing committee of the Montreal Gay Games (original holders of the Gay Games VII licence), has formed the GLISA to accredit the World Outgames, a global version of EuroGames, after the FGG deaccredited Montreal. The first World Outgames will be Montreal 2006.

The EuroGames are not held during Gay Games (even, non-Olympic)years and since the 2009 World Outgames are taking place in Europe (Copenhagen) in 2009 there will not be a EuroGames tournament held in that year either.

[edit] History of the EuroGames


Year Location Country Participants from countries # of sports Remarks other bidders
1992 The Hague Netherlands 300 5 4    
1993 The Hague Netherlands 540 8 6    
1995 Frankfurt Germany 2000 13      
1996 Berlin Germany 3247 18 17    
1997 Paris France 2000 18 17   Brussels, Zurich
1999 Manchester United Kingdom 0 0 0 cancelled Cologne
2000 Zurich Switzerland 4500   19   Hamburg
2001 Hanover Germany 1500   7 small Eurogames  
2003 Copenhagen Denmark 2200   7 small Eurogames  
2004 Munich Germany 5300 38 27   Vienna
2005 Utrecht Netherlands 2855 44 9 small Eurogames  
2007 Antwerp Belgium       small Eurogames  
2008 Barcelona Spain          

[edit] External links

[edit] See also

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