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Seat | Brussels, Belgium |
Founded in | 2005 (2002) |
Members | 28 national organisations |
Working Language | English |
President | Koen van Dam (PNN, The Netherlands) |
Eurodoc ( is the European federation of national organisations of young researchers. Young researchers are these researchers currently undertaking their doctorate (Ph.D. or Doctoral candidates, Early-Stage Researchers) or PhD holders in their first years of their post-doctoral research career (mostly Postdoctoral researchers, postdocs, employed on a temporary basis).
As a Non-profit organisation, Eurodoc monitors the situation of young researchers in Europe with respect to different parameters (e.g. Mobility, Labour conditions, Career Paths, Doctoral Supervision and Training).
Eurodoc issues policy statements and provides recommendations to academic, corporate and governing institutions on subjects of special relevance to young European researchers (e.g. the Bologna process, the Lisbon Agenda). In this activity, Eurodoc is in regular contact with major stakeholders in European research and higher education policy, most notably with the European Commission, Directorate General for Research, and the European University Association.
Each year in spring, Eurodoc convenes to an international conference for young researchers. The aim of this Eurodoc conference is to provide a framework for young European researchers to meet with European political and economical leaders and to engage in a fruitful discussion on the construction of the European Research and Higher Education Area.
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[edit] History
In 2001 several members of national organisations for young researchers met at a conference in Uppsala organized by Sweden in the course of the Swedish presidency of the Council of the European Union. They recognized the urgent need to establish an European-wide organisation for young researchers and took the occasion to initiate a network of national organisations. Following these efforts, Eurodoc was founded in Girona in Spain on 2nd February 2002. Finally Eurodoc was legally established in 2005 in Brussels as an international non-profit organisation.
[edit] Members and Observers
There are 28 Member organisations representing their country which conduct Eurodoc's decisions:
- Austria: Austrian National Union of Students (Österreichische HochschülerInnenschaft - ÖH) (website)
- Armenia: Ecosocium, Young Scientists NGO
- Belgium: Focus Research (website)
- Bulgaria: Asociacija na doktorantite v Bylgarija (ADB) (website)
- Croatia: Mreža Mladih Znanstvenika (MLAZ)
- Czech Republic: Studentská Komora Rady Vysokých Skol (SK RVS) (website)
- Denmark: Danske Ph.d.-stipendiaters netvaerk (website)
- Estonia: Eesti Noorte Teadlaste Akadeemia (website)
- France: Confédération des jeunes chercheurs (CJC) (website)
- Germany: Thesis (website)
- Greece: Elliniki Epistimoniki Etaireia Ypopsifion Didaktoron (website)
- Hungary: Doktoranduszok Országos Szövetsége (DOSZ) (website)
- Ireland: Union of Students in Ireland (USI) (website)
- Italy: Associazione Dottorandi e Dottori di Ricerca Italiani (ADI) (website)
- Latvia: Latvijas Jauno Zinātnieku Apvienība (LJZA)
- Lithuania: Lietuvos Jaunuju Mokslininku Sajunga (website)
- Moldova: ATCM Pro-Stiinta (website)
- Netherlands: Promovendi netwerk nederland (PNN) (website)
- Norway: Stipendiat-organisasjonene i Norge (SiN) (website)
- Poland: Krajowa Reprezentacja Doktorantow (KRD) (website)
- Portugal: Associação dos Bolseiros de Investigação Cientifica (ABIC) (website)
- Russia: Young Researchers (website)
- Slovakia: Asociácia doktorandov Slovenska (ADS) (website)
- Slovenia: Drustvo Mladih Raziskovalcev Slovenije (DMRS) (website)
- Spain: Precarios (website)
- Sweden: Sveriges Doktorander (SDok) (website)
- Switzerland: ActionUni (website)
- United Kingdom: National Postgraduate Committee (NPC) (website)
In addition, contributions to Eurodoc's activities also include the following Observers as national representatives:
- Romania: Ad Astra (website)
- Turkey
- United Kingdom: UK National Research Staff Association
[edit] More Information
More information can be found on the Eurodoc website. A free newsletter can be subscribed to at the homepage, and every young researcher can contribute to the general discussion list.
[edit] See also
- PhD
- Doctorate
- Early-Stage Researcher
- Postdoctoral researcher
- European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers
- Bologna process
- Lisbon Strategy