Eunice Gardner Wyatt

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Eunice Gardner Twining Martin Wyatt was a fictitious character on the long-running American Soap Opera Search for Tomorrow. The role was first played by Marion Brash and then later on until the character's death in 1976 by Ann Williams.

[edit] Neurotic to nice

Eunice is the sister of Joanne Gardner and at first was very selfish and neurotic. She had a brief affair with Jo's second husband, Arthur Tate, and was so racked with guilt about it, that she confessed all to her sister. However, she fell for the affections of one Rex Twining, who was involved with Arthur's wealthy aunt, Cornelia Simmons. Later on, Cornelia was found dead, by her niece, Allison, and it was thought that Eunice and Rex had something to do with it. They fled for the Caribbean, and it was later discovered that her own housekeeper, Harriet Baxter, had done the dirty deed.

Some years later, Eunice came back, having married and then divorced Rex Twining and was a lot nicer, and not so selfish and unstable. She met and married a man named Doug Martin who was a lawyer, and was quite happy. They had a daughter named Suzi (whom, after her parents deaths, was adopted by her Aunt Jo). Although she was indeed influenced by the women's lib movement, she did her best to make her marriage work.

Until she met up with John Wyatt (Val Dufour), whom she married after Doug died. She and John met while working at a magazine that he owned, and they grew close. After Doug died (someone named Hal Conrad had pulled the plug on his life support), John and Eunice married. However, John had been seeing a girl named Jennifer Pace Phillips (played famously by Morgan Fairchild). Jennifer was quite unstable and selfish; even more so than Eunice herself had been, and she would not let anyone else have John. So what if he was married?!

The totally unstable Jennifer went and shot Eunice and killed her, effectively removing her as competition. John was absolutely distraught, but got back on with life. He wanted to be with Eunice's sister, Jo, but instead he was roped into a marriage with the deceitful Stephanie Wilkins who was Jo's archenemy. Months later, John died too, and by then, at least in heaven, he and Eunice are together once more