Eudemian Ethics

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The Eudemian Ethics (sometimes abbreviated EE in scholarly works) is a work of philosophy by Aristotle. Its primary focus is on Ethics. It is named for Eudemus of Rhodes, a pupil of Aristotle who may also have had a hand in editing the final work. Unlike the Magna Moralia, or Great Ethics, the Eudemian Ethics are universally considered to be authentic.

The Eudemian Ethics usually receives less attention than Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, and when scholars refer simply to The Ethics, they usually mean the latter. The Eudemian Ethics is shorter than the Nicomachean Ethics, (eight books as opposed to ten), and some of its most interesting passages are mirrored in the latter. Books IV, V, and VI of the Eudemian Ethics, for example, are identical to Books V, VI, and VII of the Nicomachean Ethics, and as a result some critical editions of the former include only Books I-III and VII-VIII (the omitted books being included in the publisher's critical edition of the latter).

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