Talk:Ethnic group

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Zuni girl; photograph by Edward S. Curtis, 1903 This article falls within the scope of WikiProject Ethnic groups, a WikiProject interested in improving the encyclopaedic coverage and content of articles relating to ethnic groups, nationalities, and other cultural identities. If you would like to help out, you are welcome to drop by the project page and/or leave a query at the project's talk page.
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[edit] Revision

I rewrote the introduction to this article to make it clearer and more accurate. I do not want to delete the hard work of someone else, but frankly I just didn't understand the earlier version. Here it is:

The biological race too, is usually taken into account, and some consider it as a basic platform on which cultural heritages can be preserved and continued via a genetical perpetuation. This concept is however adversed by those who believe that the ethnic group can be accessed also by spontaneous choice or - more commonly - marriage (allowed exogamy), and is not closed to new adherents.
Besides, some authors suggest that an element of volountarity should always exist in the individuals, in the sense that the appartenance to an ethnic group, if considered as a condivision of culture, necessarily has to be backed by the individual's acceptation. Also, an ethnic group ordinarily expresses its social carachter by evidencing common behaviours in common forms, like ritual or conventional collective actions (even in familiar habits), which are easy to be eventually abandonned. In most systems, the eventual punishment for those individuals who wouldn't follow the "ethnic rules" is only the expulsion from the group so, it is said, any individual is usually free enough to abandon it at will. Opponents stress that the familiar education (quite generally recognized as a distinctive element) often makes it difficult to abandon the original heritage, especially if racial or geographical or linguistic elements force the group to develop an internal solidarity to protect members from external aggression and/or isolation (racism, xenophobia). Sometimes, it is said, there wouldn't really be an alternative.
The element of traditions, which is often linked to the matter, is contested by many, given that it could be externally known and understood only by its main spectacular aspects, thus identifying a form of folklore rather than a deeper condivision of concepts.
At a political regard, an ethnic group is a social entity which has to be respected as a minoritarian yet relevant component of the whole society. In case the ethnic group represents the vast majority (better if near to the totality) of the population within a given state territory, it becomes a nation, which expresses its common culture with self-governmental powers and with international acknowledgement. In this sense, an ethnic group is a minoritarian social group which lives in a system by which it suffers for sometimes relevant differences (like in economy, for instance), in a relationship (when the ethnic group is recognized and accepted) made of tolerance rather than of condivision. When the differences become hard to sustain, from both sides, the majority tends to absorb the ethnic group in itself, often by trying to annihilate its cultural heritage. On the other side, the ethnic group might develop, among its individuals, extremist positions which sometimes explode with violence or terrorism, which can be as dangerous as harder the state's opposition becomes.
An ethnic group, in modern times, usually claims for the respect of its own identity, and this frequently finds an opposition by the state in which they live in, given that a state has a crucial interest in having its population as uniform as possible, in order to avoid secessionism or however fragmentation of the social tissue. This opposition can be expressed with military or police means, or it can be a cultural battle, in which usually a state is able to use richer and more powerful instruments: propaganda, instrumental use of mass-media, school programs. Some noted that even the classification of ethnic groups by mere biotypes (racial carachters, etc.) or geographical provenance, thus ignoring cultural aspects, is a subtile attempt to reduce eventual arguments to mere physiological or administrative differences.
The definition of an ethnic group is often referred to that of ethnicity, but the particular carachters which can identify a human group as an ethnic entity is relevant for legal aspects too. The attempt to delete an ethnic group as such (genocide), is usually punished by most legal systems.
In general, it could be resumed that an ethnic group is a community of human beings who:
  • live as a minority inside the state they are in, and claim for the respect for their social entity;
  • use a common language (which might be different from the official language of the state in which they live);
  • have common familiar and social habits and conventions, often the same religion;
  • come, by ancestry, from the same places, usually implying that at some moment a migration has happened and it is probable that a racial element can be in common too, among members.

The above touches on some very important issues, like: what an ethnic group is, conflicts between ethnic groups and nations or states, etc. But it is unclear (often refering to anonymous people who make claims -- I think an encyclopedia article needs to provide explicit information about what scholars or political leaders have made such claims; I also think that many arguments over the use of the term ethnicity, or the status of specific ethnic groups, are particular to specific places and times -- and to try to jumble the all together can lead only to confusion. But I put the deleted material here so people can continue to work on it/develop it, Slrubenstein

- - -

Hi, Slrubenstein. Since the problem discussed in several pages was how to correctly define what an ethnic group is, and why it is important to have a correct definition, my perhaps too quick attempt (but I had warned you it was quick ;-) was meant to draft some essential elements to work on.

Now, we are not looking for a dubbed definition to be used in all the related articles, we want instead a precise definition of an "ethnic group"; also useful, if possible, for the list - in the sense that, before adding a group to the list, we can reflect if the one we are thinking of can really be indicated as an ethnic group.

Names: apart from the fact that for personal problems I can't attach a bibliography I once had (but someone, hopefully, will add it to the concepts), I wouldn't stop to the authors of singular claims because the concept of ethnic group is more political than ethnological or phylosophical, any assertion is then necessarily focused - at its first issue - on single particular positions, even if the concepts later gains a similar condivision across the geographic areas (if we look at specific claims by self-defined ethnic groups, there usually are many similarities among the respective positions, even if the respective situations are different). So, this would perhaps give attention to authors more than to concepts and, just like you noted, to particular rather than to general themes. If we sort out concepts, instead of authors, (IMHO) we would more easily define elements that are not exclusive to the group that expressed it.

I believe that if we quote: I have a dream that my [four] children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character, this is exactly what today African and Asian and Chinese people in Italy do think in 2002, not only what the (hopefully) famous author said in 1963 in the United States, in a different context. This is a particular encyclopedia, in which we can describe current topics too (but always in a NPOV). Ethnic groups are a precisely current topic, given that many (military, political, social or cultural) conflicts regard them right now. To be as neutral as possible, I would avoid recalling specific positions (immediately recognizable by eventual names) because we could risk to (in good faith) imply political prejudicial considerations in our vision.

So, I just wanted to reflect together over these points:

  • Which are the elements that identify an ethnic group, in presence of what elements we can say we are in front of an ethnic group?
  • Is biological race a necessary element?
  • Is the belonging to an ethnic group intentional, or is it a mechanical unwanted condition? Can the individual abandon the group, and: if yes how, if not why?
  • Is there a pride of appartenance to an ethnic group?
  • The autonomous claim for respect by the ethnic group, is it an element we should consider as an identifying factor, or could we externally define a given human aggregation as an ethnic group, despite their eventual passivity on the point? Is it by chance a social-conflict alert?
  • What makes an ethnic group different from a nation?
  • Is an ethnic group minoritarian by definition?
  • How dominant groups deal with minor ethnic groups?
  • Which are the respective interests in play?
  • How dominant and minoritarian groups respectively act to achieve respective goals?
  • Which are the fields in which more commonly an ethnic group feels to be compressed in its "natural" vision? Economy? Religion? Justice? ...?

Eventual sub-topics:

  • Is language always distinctive?
  • Is dialect distinctive?
  • Is an eventual "ethnic literature" necessary for the disticntion? Is an eventual written body of works a necessary element for the definition of an "ethnic culture"?
  • Are there any ethnic groups living across different countries and tending to unification? Has there been anything similar in history?
  • ... please, add...

I am afraid that in your definition,

An ethnic group is a group of people who identifiy with one another, or are so identified by others, on the basis of either presumed cultural or biological similarities, or both

we miss a basic scholar distinction between ethnology and anthropology: ethnology necessarily considers humanist themes such as history or culture, as fundamental carachters of the study, while anthropology doesn't. Still, it is argued (I hope I can add names, one day) that race is the biological platform above described. This platform, when alone, when not linked to eventual social, historical or cultural elements, is the object of antropology. Also, similarities are not presumed. They are, they have to be scientifically verifiable. As soon as we find a consensus about what is an ethnic group.

But: are we talking about the so-called "ethno-type", as (not unanimously) defined by ethnologists?

As I said before, I think that the concept of ethnic group is prevalently used with reference to political issues. So, it is not a matter of ethnicity, for which we already have an article to expand (which might regard ancient topics too), but we are talking - to be concrete - about people who feel they have common values and cultures needing to be protected from annihilation by stronger cultural entities, usually the states in which they live.

BTW, please, let's keep it clear that folklore and traditions quite generally are described as different things.

Thank you for your comments :-) --G


I am still not sure I understand you. There are some questions I have concerning your musings:

Now, we are not looking for a dubbed definition to be used in all the related articles, we want instead a precise definition of an "ethnic group";

I do not know what a "dubbed definition" is. I do think the defintiion I put in the first sentence is accurate. Perhaps more accurate than precise, but I think that is a good thing. There is much debate over what ethnic groups are and how they operate, and ethnic groups around the world make different claims for themselves. Any good definition that opens an encyclopedia article must be somewhat general. Then the article can review debates over the meaning of the term, and provide different examples of its use.

Names: apart from the fact that for personal problems I can't attach a bibliography I once had (but someone, hopefully, will add it to the concepts), I wouldn't stop to the authors of singular claims because the concept of ethnic group is more political than ethnological or phylosophical,

I disagree with your larger point. Yes, you are correct that ethnic groups are particular and political. But the study of ethnic groups -- which is precisely what an article in an encyclopedia is part of -- involves scholarly research and debate. There are different sides to these debates, and those sides should be cited and named.

I believe that if we quote: I have a dream that my [four] children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character, this is exactly what today African and Asian and Chinese people in Italy do think in 2002, not only what the (hopefully) famous author said in 1963 in the United States, in a different context.

I agree with you that this sentiment reflects one attitude towards social justice. I am not sure how it relates to ethnic identity, since King did not mean that "race" didn't matter. But you see, this is my point: what King meant, how it was understood when he said it, and how other people use the phrase today is not evident. There continues to be much research and debate over these things and a good encyclopedia article must educate people about these debates. What is your interpretation of this sentence? What is your evidence that this is how African and Asian (which includes Chinese) people in Italy interpret the sentence? What is your evidence that African and Asian people in Italy share the sentiment (as interpreted)? What research has been done on this?

To be as neutral as possible, I would avoid recalling specific positions (immediately recognizable by eventual names) because we could risk to (in good faith) imply political prejudicial considerations in our vision.

Again, I disagree with you. Accuracy demands that we be clear about specific positions. NPOV does not mean that specific positions are not listed; it means that NO position is presented as having unquestioned authority if that position reflexts a particular context and is only one position among many. NPOV is guaranteed when different specific positions are provided, and the context for these positions made clear.

So, I just wanted to reflect together over these points:
  • Which are the elements that identify an ethnic group, in presence of what elements we can say we are in front of an ethnic group?

There is continuing debate over this question and I do not believe that there is any consensus.

  • Is biological race a necessary element?


  • Is the belonging to an ethnic group intentional, or is it a mechanical unwanted condition?

it is negotiated

Can the individual abandon the group, and: if yes how, if not why?

Sometimes yes, sometimes no; why is a good question that people continue to research; there is no clear answer.

  • Is there a pride of appartenance to an ethnic group?

I do not know what "appartenance" means, and it is inot in my dictionary. But obviously many people are proud of their ethnicity, and there are plenty of people who are ashamed.

  • The autonomous claim for respect by the ethnic group, is it an element we should consider as an identifying factor,

What do you mean? Are you asking whether a group must demand respect for it to be "ethnic?" I can think of many examples where this is not the case.

or could we externally define a given human aggregation as an ethnic group, despite their eventual passivity on the point? Is it by chance a social-conflict alert?

Again, I am not sure what you mean? What do you mean "externally define?" What do you mean by "eventual passivity?"

  • What makes an ethnic group different from a nation?

I thought my revision of the article made this clear.

  • Is an ethnic group minoritarian by definition?

I believe yes, and one can infer this from the article -- but I do not think it is a necessary part of the definition and it is better if people infer it; I am sure there are some exceptions and some debate over this.

This is just plain wrong. The Sinhalese are the majority group in Sri Lanka, and they perceive themselves (and are perceived by others) to be an ethnic group.Bryan 22:42, 4 November 2005 (UTC)
  • How dominant groups deal with minor ethnic groups?

Given that this is an issue in almost every country, and that there are at least 50-200 years of history for any given example, the answer to this question could take up thousands of pages. But I do think the second paragraph of the article provides a good basic answer to this question.

  • Which are the respective interests in play?

"in play" in what?

  • How dominant and minoritarian groups respectively act to achieve respective goals?

Again, a good qquestion but the answer would take years to compile, given all the current research.

  • Which are the fields in which more commonly an ethnic group feels to be compressed in its "natural" vision? Economy? Religion? Justice? ...?

I do not know what you mean by "compressed," nor do I understand "natural vision"

I am afraid that in your definition,
An ethnic group is a group of people who identifiy with one another, or are so identified by others, on the basis of either presumed cultural or biological similarities, or both
we miss a basic scholar distinction between ethnology and anthropology: ethnology necessarily considers humanist themes such as history or culture, as fundamental carachters of the study, while anthropology doesn't.

Sorry, but you are just wrong. Anthropology considers biological, environmental, historical and cultural factors.

Still, it is argued (I hope I can add names, one day) that race is the biological platform above described.

You need to read the article on race, friend.

"Race" matters when people believe that it matters.Bryan 22:42, 4 November 2005 (UTC)
This platform, when alone, when not linked to eventual social, historical or cultural elements, is the object of antropology.

no, not at all, not by any stretch of the imagination. Maybe you need to read the article on anthropology.Slrubenstein

I think he's talking about 19th century anthropology! Bryan 22:42, 4 November 2005 (UTC)

- -

Maybe my English is not fluent enough to let me express correctly. I therefore deeply thank you for allowing me an attempt of explaination. Unfortunately, my vocabulary too, recently went "wet" with my bibliotheque, so I have to ask for readers' patience as I only can use my memory, which is as much efficient as an aged man's one can be...

I need to start from the end of your reply. I had little time and little sources available to check now (I read Wiki articles), but perhaps I found something that could - I hope - explain our "distances". And it is something about... naming, or classification, or science. Or about a cultural bias of mine.

In our academical system, in fact, anthropology and ethnology were once classified (let's say, up to the 1960s, when I first met these matters) this way (loose translation from a reputed UTET encyclopedic dictionary - please forgive my eventual mistakes):

  • Anthropology: biological science which studies morphological, physiological, patological carachters of all the Peoples on the Earth, either estinct or existing ones, their division in [human] races (the belonging to each being established on the basis of somatic criteria), as well as their relationships with other animal species. (...)
  • Ethnology: historical science which studies the current human culture, with particular regard to peoples without literature (= peoples with only oral communication forms). (...)

In the rest of the two articles, I also found what - you'll have already noticed - makes the difference: Anglo-American classification puts anthropology (if I correctly understood) at the center of the group of disciplines that study peoples (perhaps as later indicated by Lévi-Strauss), and includes what above indicated as the ethnology's field. I also read that Italy and Germany followed the above mentioned classification, as defined by French scientists.

Moreover, I took an on-line tour of current Italian university courses, and I found that, here too, the old classification has been quite generally re-modeled, following the Anglo-American scheme. So we now have a "cultural anthropology" which seems (at a first sight) having replaced the old ethnology, which now is in turn more focused on those topics (like museal activity) which once were object of the ethnography. At the same time, what we once simply called "anthropology" is now "physical anthropology" (biological and genetical), and doesn't seem to be object of similar consideration. But I realise that there is a certain confusion, indeed, and the programs of the courses are extremely different too, among each other. The Web is not a scientific source, but I have seen that all these new definitions (Italian websites) are more or less no earlier than of the 1980s.

When I was studying law, many years ago, I directly met criminal anthropology, which was a (already discussed) discipline which studied (or was perhaps looking for) a sort of genetic, racial, and even physiognomic cause for criminality; these theories had a certain success in the 19th century (Niceforo, Lombroso), especially those about physiognomic elements (ugly people, I would summarize, would tendencially be criminals). In modern times, these theories are quite generally considered obsolete, also because the causes of crime are now described by more solid arguments. And even the few remnant elements are now attributed to ethnological fields (in the quoted sense), if appropriate. It is because of these discipline that the first time I was in Sardinia (an island in which the average racial somatic element was surprisingly coincident with Lombroso's typical criminal description), realising that much of theose theories were somehow visionary, I developed instead my long-lasting interests for the local culture and history, for their language, heritage, traditions. But I always had in mind that anthropology and ethnology respectively were what in the reported descriptions. And I felt I was somehow fascinated by ethnology, at least about Sardinians, that - BTW - I do believe are an ethnic group.

So, I hope this can explain the difference between our two positions. On my side, I'm very sorry for my partial vision (but I'm also very glad that the discussion brought me to enlarge it a little :-) and I would be honoured if you would kindly let me translate again my points with a more comprehensible terminology.

About the dubbed definition, I was trying to say that we needed to distinctly describe what an "ethnic group" is, and not to use a definition that could be similarly copied in other articles like ethnicity: if we only say that an ethnic group is made of people who share an ethnicity, we don't take into account that this is currently a political issue in many countries (if not in most). It is now important also because many countries are forced to reflect upon these presences, and this locally (but frequently) implies social feelings which have to be translated into political and legal acts, sometimes with international accessory decisions. You seem to agree that an ethnic group is minoritarian by definition, so it is naturally opposed (when conflicting) to a state-like entity. If possible, I would also add which interest are involved. In a word, I wouldn't refer to anthropology only.

About names, if you agree that the topic is potentially more political than other, we'd have to quote political leaders more often than scientists. More politics, I'm afraid, than scholarly research and debate. I am not against quoting politicians, really, but I believe that it could be better to avoid it. If - let's suppose - I name Mr. Arafat (just to make a name), and I say (this is only an unverified simple example): Mr. Arafat, in an official speech at the UNO, said that every people has the right to its territory, which he could have really said, even if perhaps inside a more specific and wide argument, I cannot later add: Corsican leader Mr. Soandso said the same, or Kurd leader Mr. Whoknowswho claims for the same objectives, even if effectively they said exactly the same. This would in fact create a sort of similarity that would be too generic to be attributed to single names, yet it is indeed a common element in those realities. And we could also risk to istinctively "paint" the citation with Arafat's (or any other leader's) colours, as if all the mentioned conflicts were connected by some undecipherable relationship. What they really share is instead the concept that is inside the assertions, and this is what I would include in the article. Couldn't we just quote this, or better: couldn't we just summarize this, avoiding to enter into endless descriptions, as you yourself said?

This is also about MLK's dream: I made that example only to underline that the same concepts, when extracted from their original context, can still be used by other people in other contexts. I wouldn't swear that each Chinese in Italy would repeat that sentence having in his mind the American racial conflict; yet, he would repeat it with completeness of sense, he would really have that same dream. So: MLK's sentence would be perfectly suitable to describe their condition too, and as such it was useful even if anonymous. But, as the sentence's author was clearly identifiable, you answered me talking about him... ;-) What if I had summarized the concepts in the - anonymous - sentence: Some positions envision an ideal society in which each man should be evaluated by his own character and not judged by racial elements?

Now, we are a tolerant country indeed, so the problem is really not so crucial here, I made this hypothetical example in order to avoid eventually offending anyone else. BTW, I obviously know that China is in Asia, but Chinese people are (I believe) the perhaps most distinguished ethnic group inside our territory and this caused me... an instinctive specification.

I don't believe we need here to make the history of each conflict, of each group, of each leader, of each position. When you say that it would take us thousands of pages, and years, I completely agree, of course. This is why I'd vote for synthesis, a necessary resource for us on this topic. Let's sort out the essential concepts and we will have an already complete article (there could be a lot to write, indeed, even if writing only a line per position), far from being at risk of ideological complications. This, besides, is quite a real-time topic, and it could cause politically influenced edit-wars.

Still, we could properly indicate that in some cases there are positions which propose something, and other positions which reply something else. Wouldn't we be educating people about these debates, just the same?

My list of questions obviously wasn't a form, even if, if this can help, we could also eventually collect arguments this way. But however it is not a poll. It was perhaps a list of starting points, if you agree that these can be developed in the perspective of a complete article.

My impression is that you believe that nothing can be concretely obtained because there is no consensus, arguments are potentially endless, there would be too much to work on. But there are many other articles, on similarly complicated topics, which have already been developed in Wikipedia. Maybe little by little, maybe after long debates, but there they are. I do believe we can do it here too, and I also hope that we can ask for your help :-) --G

[edit] Added paragraph on ethnic groups in Mexico

I hope this paragraph clarifies the concept of "ethnic group" a bit more.

--Lupitaº 21:15, 24 Dec 2004 (UTC)

[edit] Big huge line o'code...

Is this a quote, or can it be removed? It's really rather irritating...

[edit] Westphalia

What's the deal with the link to Westphalia?? --Cotoco 08:19:21, 2005-09-04 (UTC)

[edit] Is the definition too broad?

I think the previous definition of ethnic group is way too broadly-drawn. It is so broad that it would include subcultures, as well as people of the same eye or hair color, or lefties, short people, Freemasons, the deaf, or people who studder. I've edited the article to include the following, slightly different definition:

"An ethnic group is a culture or subculture whose members are readily distinguishable by outsiders based on traits originating from a common racial, national, linguistic, or religious source."

Comments? COGDEN 19:56, 26 September 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Which definition is right? Both!

As this discussion so clearly shows, there's a basic division between (1) those who describe ethnic groups as entities that can be scientifically described by outsiders on the basis of certain types of cultural indices ("race," language, history, etc.) and (2) those who reject such definitions and insist that an ethnic groups exist only when their members believe themselves to be a group. Perhaps people could do a little homework before we proceed? There is a fine, readable introduction to the subject in "Thematic Introduction", International Journal on Multicultural Societies (IJMS), Vol. 4, No.1, 2002: 1 - 2. This article pretty much sums up the state of the art on this subject. Bryan 22:42, 4 November 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Fraction of Ethnicity

OK, I have a cousin whose mother is full English, and whose father is three quarters Canadian and a quarter Irish (his paternal grandfather was full Irish). We've been trying to work out her own 'fractions of ethnicity'. As far as what I can come up with, she is an eighth Irish, seven eighths Canadian, and half English. I'm pretty sure that her fraction of Canadian is not right (because this would work out that she has more Canadian blood than English, which is false). What is her fraction of Canadian (and show me how you worked this out)?

I'd be very grateful.

Thanks a million.

You are not talking about ethnicity. "Canada" is a country, and youare saying that your cousin has or had three great-grandparents who were Canadian. That is all this means. What ethnic group your cousin belongs to depends on how people treat your cousin and with whom your cousin socializes, and how your cousin, his or her friends and associates, and other people identify your cousin. What country three of his or her grat-grandparents come from is not going to answer that question. Slrubenstein | [[User talk:Slrubenstein|Talk]] 21:36, 22 November 2005 (UTC)
Hi. Sorry, maybe I didn't word this correctly. I'm not talking about ethnic groups. My cousin has one Irish great-grandparent and one Canadian great-grandparent (paternally) and two English great-grandparents (maternally). I know that this makes her half English and an eighth Irish by blood, so what fraction Canadian is she?

Thanks again.


I do not believe that Canadian citizenship is divisible. I do not believe that Canadian law allows one to be 1/8 citizen or 1/2 citizen or any other fraction. You are either a citizen or you are not. By the way, you are using "blood" metaphorically — fine for poetry, but not ver useful for anything else. There is no such thing as "Canadian blood." Slrubenstein | [[User talk:Slrubenstein|Talk]] 14:27, 25 November 2005 (UTC)

--- You don't understand! I'm not talking about citizenship, I just wanted to know what fraction Canadian my cousin is! It doesn't matter anyway, because I've found out the answer. She is 1/2 (50%) English, 3/8 (37.5%) Canadian, and 1/8 (12.5%) Irish.

Leon, with all due respect, you do not understand my point. What does it mean to say a person is 12.5% "Irish?" A person consists of matter and consciousness. Are you saying 12.5% of her thoughts are Irish? Or are you saying 12.5% of her body weight is "Irish?" Which 12.5%? Her left leg? Her right arm? Do you mean 12.5% of her blood is "Irish?" If you took a pint of her blood an looked at it under a microscope, how could you tell which corpuscles are Irish or Canadian? Or do you mean 12.5% of her genes are "Irish?" If you think that, then I must tell you again will all due resepct that you do not understand genetics and I would urge you to read the articles on Gene and race. I hope it is now clear to you that my point is this: you are using ethnic identity metaphorically, but asking a question that is literal. You say that by "Canadian" you do not mean "Canadian citizenship." Okay, I get that. But what then do you mean? You are talking as if (1) "Canadian" is a real thing and (2) everyone knows what that thing is. I must tell you that 2 is demonstrably wrong and that most people would argue that 1 is wrong too. When someone says "that person is Canadian" and they mean that she is either a Canadian citizen or was born in Canada, that makes perfect sense to me. But neither of those two things can be quantified. You are writing as if "Canadian" refers to something that can be quantified, and I am asking you what that can possible be, because only material things can be quantified. What matterial thing are you referring to when you say "Canadian?" Slrubenstein | Talk 00:55, 1 December 2005 (UTC)

I spoke to my cousin's father a few days ago, and he told me that his maternal grandmother was French-Canadian, and his grandfather Irish, and both of his paternal grandparents were Irish. He is married to and has a child with a full-English woman. Through this, this makes their daughter (my cousin) half (50%) English, an eighth (12.5%) French-Canadian, and three eighths (37.5%) Irish. I'm not saying that a part of her arm, head, stomach, or any other body part is a certain fraction or percentage of one of those ethnicities. It's her herself. It's what makes up her ethnic make-up. I have an English mother and a Greek-Cypriot father, thus I am half (50%) English and half (50%) Cypriot.

Now, you could call my cousin a (Canadian-) French-Canadian-Irish-English person, or a Canadian-born French-Canadian-Irish-English person/Canadian-born person of French-Canadian, Irish, and English extract, or perhaps a French-Canadian-Irish-English person from Canada, just as I am perhaps an English-born person of half Cypriot extract, an English-Cypriot (from England) etc. The list could go on for quite some time.

To be a citizen of a certain country or constituency (as I am a citizen of Great Britain and my cousin of Canada) doesn't make your ethnicity or ethnic make-up change to that particular country, does it? Let's imagine that a boy is born in Norway to a German father and a Polish mother. That child may grow up being a citizen of Norway, considering himself Norwegian (and nothing else), but this doesn't make him in any way Norwegian. He is Norwegian-born, a citizen of Norway, a Polish-German (or Polish-German-Norwegian), but not Norwegian.

The term 'blood' is always used metaphorically in this case, and either you are not fluent in English, or perhaps may not have heard this usage. In these cases, it means 'genetic make-up', 'ethnic make-up' and so on, i.e., I could be called half English or half Cypriot by blood.

How about Tiger Woods, the famous American-born golfer of various different ethnicities? He was born in the USA to a Native American-Indian-Chinese-Black father, and a Thai-Chinese-Dutch mother. He is not American at all (well, he is if you consider Native American-Indian to be American, but that's another thing and let's avoid that in this post). He is American-born, and perhaps a citizen of the US, but not American.


If you think that "blood" is being used as a metaphor for "genetics," then you simply do not understand genetics. There are NO Irish, Canadian, etc. genes. As to ancestry, why stop with your grandparents or great-grandparetns? Why not great-great-great grandparents? Logically, they are just as relevant, and if you do not have information about them the honest statement is that you do not know your ethnicty. But if you insist that ethnicity is a matter of ancestry, we are all Africans as all of our earliest ancestors came from Africa. The point is this: you are using the word "ethnicity" as a substitute for a very specific notion of "race" that developed in the US in the post-Civil War period. Scholars today reject both that understanding of race, and the way you use the word ethnicity. Slrubenstein | Talk 16:33, 4 December 2005 (UTC)

Yes, you're right. Why stop at great-grandparents? Of course the list would go on forever, and I think that most people would consider themselves to be what their more recent generations are. For example, if my great-great-great-grandfather was African (and all the rest of my family was English), I don't think I would bother saying that I am 1/32 African. There is nothing fully known, but we believe that somewhere in my English family's generations there was a foreign ancestor (possibly Spanish or Portuguese; most of my English family have dark skin and look foreign). I would never say that I'm 1/64 Spanish/Portuguese or whatever would I? I consider myself half English and half Cypriot, that's it, just as my cousin considers herself Canadian, but is an Irish-French-Canadian-English.


the practice in teh US is self nomination. That is what the census now and for good reason. Fractionl representations are no longer viable or relevent. If you had four granparents from differnet backgrounds, it is you and only you that is able to assert you ethnicty, ancestry, etc based on either dominance during upbringing etc. DaveHM 21:30, 18 December 2005 (UTC)
The U.S. census asks the people to list their full background. People of four different backgrounds would list all four. That's the way it's done - the full and complete story, not just one group over the other. Vulturell 21:32, 18 December 2005 (UTC)
Wrong, and you obviously haven't seen a census or any of the data it compiles.
Stop your POV pusing. It is not somewhat POV --it is definatevely POV -- you contend your opinion counts more than the self ascription of ethincity of the person asked! wow. It is the 21st cetnruy not 1930's Europe.
You seem to be going all over wikipedia with YOUR OWN view concerning ancestry where apparetnly you have gotten in a number of disputes over this very issue. What is with this obsession with the idea of US persons being "1/4" an ancestry vs. 100%. It has long been utterly meaningless in the U.S. In the US ethnicity is self ascribed.
Look what you wrote here justifying your endless reverts and multiple mistatements on wikipedia of where US categries come from The U.S. census asks the people to list their full background. People of four different backgrounds would list all four. That's the way it's done - the full and complete story :::::::NO, it does no such thing and you have no background in this question.
It does not ask for four persons AT ALL. You are using this to make your own "less than 1/4 and you can't be" argument all over wikpedia. I am not saying it is intentional racism but you are using a racist Quadroon system repudiated quite some time ago.!DaveHM 21:20, 19 December 2005 (UTC)
Ummm.... hate to break it to you, but I've filled out the U.S. census. It asks a person to list their full ancestry, and something along the lines of "list as many (accurate) backgrounds as possible". It certainly does not ask a person to pick one group over the other. As for your accusations, I am frankly tired of listening to this crap and will just point you over to Wikipedia:No Personal Attacks. Vulturell 21:22, 19 December 2005 (UTC)
UM so yu filled it out without reading? interesting. Is this why you keep reversing what it says?
I did not say it ask one to pick one group over anoher, that is your method what you seem to be enforcing on wikipedia.
You filled out four ancestors? really? How did you fit them in the two spaces?
Next time read the form: Ancestry refers to a person’s ethnic origin or descent, "roots," or heritage, or the place of birth of the person or the person’s parents or ancestors before their arrival in the United States

Ancestry refers to a person’s ethnic origin or descent, "roots," or heritage, or the place of birth of the person or the person’s parents or ancestors before their arrival in the United States

Huh? The census has something like ten spaces in it (I think it may have been more than that). It asked me to fill out as many ethnic groups as I had. So if I was just Irish I would've put "Irish". If I'm Italian, Irish, Scottish, Jewish, and French I would've put those 5 in. The U.S. census certainly does not go around searching for "Greek" as one of 10 groups of a person, pick out "Greek" and call that person a "Greek American", ignoring their other ancestry. Vulturell 21:38, 19 December 2005 (UTC)
1) So we know you have not filled out a census or read one -- or ever read teh huge body of statistical anysis and explanation as well.
ancestry has only two spaces in it.
2) you said: The U.S. census certainly does not go around searching for "Greek"
LOL that is exactly what it does in compiling the figrues that lead [all] the r4eleven t wikipedia articels you keep reverting and arguing on! the Irish American, German American, Greek Ameriacan scotish etc are exactly that.. this is why keep reverting and arguing with everyone on those pages.
the thing is you seem focused on your defintions. thre is no such thing as the terms you use "100%" "1/4" when it comes to the cencus or the way sociologists or the census or most people self nominate.
Two spaces? Are you kidding? I only keep reverting and arguing with you, because you don't seem to understand that it's taking a POV in categorizing someone with a Greek grandfather as a "Greek-American" without explaining that they are only "Greek-American" on their grandfather's side. This discussion is tired and pointless, and you are using terms, references, etc. in ways that they do not really apply. There is no logical reason for changing either the Greek American article or DiScala. They are more correct and complete the way they are now, and that is an encyclopedia's aim, to present the full facts whenever possible. Vulturell 22:02, 19 December 2005 (UTC)

Two space exacltly. you could scribble more on thesides but it is not compiled when the cenus buerua issues its sttistics on how many Amiercians of Irish ancestry or ehtnicity. Have you been looking at a census form from 1900 alabama with quadroons? that garbage was thrown out a long time ago.
we estabished you did not look at the census long or short form on ancestry. you are imagining what is
this discussion came about becasue you insist a person's self ascription is invalid based on your model of what 100% or 1/4 is. this method was THROWN out in the US long ago. people self ascribe or self nominate on what they think wish to emphasize.
You have used your method to remove the self ascription of persons because the are "enough" of whatver catgegory even if they say they indentify.
We don't allow others to measure us by "1/4" in America. DaveHM 22:21, 19 December 2005 (UTC)
This discussion is so stupid and does not apply to anything relevant to the pages in dispute. I am telling you, that listing a person as a "Greek American" without explaining their full heritage is wrong. I am also telling you that putting it three different quotes by DiScala, all of which seem to contradict one another, is also wrong, not the least of which because we don't use quotes but rather put in the complete version of the story. Unless you are disputing the factual accuracy of the notices on either Greek Americans or DiScala, you have no argument with me. You seemed to believe the the version up on the DiScala (i.e. "Born to a Jewish father (whose parents were from Romania and Greece, respectively) and a Cuban mother") was factually correct, and yet you kept changing it to a confusing version. You have absolutely no clue as to what the people who are not "fully" Greek on the Greek Americans page consider themselves to be (or "Self-Identify" as), and neither do I. It is outright dumb and POV to assume that someone with a Greek grandfather automatically considers themselves to be Greek. You have no evidence as to their day-to-day identification, etc. etc. etc. I refuse to continue this, except for of course reverting your quest to remove the full and complete facts. Vulturell 22:25, 19 December 2005 (UTC)
No this arose from yor removal of Ms. Discala own quote on her idenity from her page. This was added for clarity. here is her exact qoute: I have no Italian in me. I’m Cuban, Greek, Romanian, and Sephardic Jew, so I couldn’t get further from Italian. But I guess I’ve been adopted into that family, too. [1]DaveHM 10:21, 20 December 2005 (UTC)

FYI [2] and [3] Slrubenstein | Talk 22:37, 19 December 2005 (UTC)

SLRebunstein my edits have to do with the US census work on ancestry. here is their criteria:

The data on ancestry were derived from answers to questionnaire item 12. The question was based on self-identification; the data on ancestry represent self-classification by people according to the ancestry group(s) with which they most closely identify. Ancestry refers to a person’s ethnic origin or descent, "roots," or heritage or the place of birth of the person or the person's parents or ancestors before their arrival in the United States. [4]

you went to the 'race' section which is for compiling govenrmnt statistics on racial distribution, income by race, uesed in issues related to affrimative action, apportionemnt etc. the other section you noted is to incude if you are American indian or 'hispanic' which is a special unique desingation, placed there by law because of a set of unique issues. if you filled out 'Irish' there, the data would be thrown out.
I am clarifying the US methodology for ancestry groups, where hundreds of wikpedia pages on ethnicty in America use the anceastry desigation and numbers the census beurau compiles to the criteria I cited. I carified ethnicty it relative to 'ancestry'. There is a discussion on this page of race relative to ethnicity, so a line or two on ancestry relative to ethnicty, which are commonly used, rightly or wrongly together, helps with some clarity.DaveHM 10:10, 20 December 2005 (UTC)

FYI2: [5]DaveHM 10:15, 20 December 2005 (UTC)

Okay Dave, I wasn't taking one side or the other, just pointing out that we can cite the source. Of course, citing the 2000 US census raises the question: did the US census understand race and or ethnicity differently fifty years ago? A hundred? And what about other countries? I am not challenging anything you wrote, jusut laying out an agenda for improving the article that takes your comments as a jumping-off point, Slrubenstein | Talk 15:10, 21 December 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Ethnic groups by country categories

A naming convention proposal for ethnic groups by country categories has been made at Wikipedia talk:Naming conventions (categories)#Ethnic groups by country categories. Kurieeto 21:16, 26 November 2005 (UTC)

[edit] More rigourous definition

The present definition not backed by any citation, and, frankly, is not helpful.

An ethnic group is a culture or subculture whose members are readily distinguishable by outsiders based on traits originating from a common racial, national, linguistic, or religious source. Members of an ethnic group are often presumed to be culturally or genetically similar, although this is not in fact necessarily the case.

In other words, "an ethnic group is a group of people". Am I an ethnic group ? Are the people who work on this page an ethnic group ? Why not ? Rama 12:09, 20 January 2006 (UTC)

Furthermore, I have often seen religious as specifically excluded form the definition of "ethnic"... Rama 12:10, 20 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Fredrik Barth

Shouldn't the work of Fredrik Barth be included in this article? His work Ethnic Groups and Boundaries (1969) was rather grounbreaking in the field of anthropology. He argues that it is a misconception to view the culture-bearing aspect of ethnic groups as their primary characteristic. "The preoccupation with cultural traits and ethnic origins has been abandoned in the field of anthropology in recent years to be replaced by a stronger emphasis on inter-group relations and ethnic boundaries." "If members of an ethnic group don’t acknowledge their ethnic membership and don’t communicate it, the ethnic aspect ceases to be relevant in social interaction."

"In his introduction to Ethnic Groups and Boundaries, The Social Organisation of Culture Difference, Fredrik Barth outlines his approach to the study of ethnic groups, ‘First we give primary emphasis to the fact that ethnic groups are categories of ascription and identification by the actors themselves, and thus have the characteristic of organising interaction between people. We attempt to relate other characteristics of ethnic groups to this primary feature. Second,….(a)pply a generative viewpoint to the analysis: rather than working through a topology of forms of ethnic groups and relations, we attempt to explore the different processes that seem to be involved in generating and maintaining ethnic groups. Third, to observe these processes we shift the focus of investigation from internal constitution and history of separate groups to ethnic boundaries and boundary maintenance.’"

I think it should be included and have therefore rewritten nl:Etniciteit. But since I am less fluent in English I don't think I can write a section on this properly. Maartenvdbent 14:25, 18 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Barth and the debate on the creation of ethnicity

In response to the above, it should be pointed out there there are several fairly rigorous criticisms to be found of Barth's analysis on ethnicity, in particular his stringently 'relationist approach' - i.e. the emergence of ethnicity as the contrasting of a social group in a particular socio-economic 'niche' with those groups immediately (and more distantly) adjacent to it. Such a critique can be found in Bill Bravman's Making Ethnic Ways (Heinemann, 1998), for example.

Going beyond that, there is no real impression gained by reading the article that there is any debate within social science on the creation of ethnicity at all. It's not something that I have time to expand on now, but there is a wide variety of interpretations within the academic community and the historiography on ethnicity that is most germane to this subject.

I would put this under the above sub-heading, but it's more aimed at stimulating debate on the latter point (i.e. creation of ethnicity) than the former.--Benwilson528 20:54, 8 November 2006 (UTC)

Barth continues to be very important at least in anthropology so he should remain prominent in the article. That said, the article should cover the range of scholarly views and provide fair accounts of ongoing debates among social scientists. So if you have ideas about how to do that, by all means, go ahead and add. I just urge you to add - other views, larger contexts - and not delete content, and adhere carefully to our NPOV policy. Slrubenstein | Talk 11:49, 9 November 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Compare and contrast with similar terms??

Can we get a section on here that clearly discusses the differences, similarities and lines that distinguish the following terms:

Ethnicity VS:

  • Race
  • Nationality
  • Heritage
  • Culture

These terms are often confused by people.

[edit] Origin of the term

In 1935, in response to more extreme incarnations of eugenics (especially nazism), Julian Huxley and A. C. Haddon published We Europeans: A Survey of 'Racial' Problems, in which they suggested race--a biological term--was being misapplied in sociological/anthropological aspects, and suggested "ethnic group" be substituted for those groups that share culture, but not neccesarily biology (I haven't read it, but this is the impression I get from Huxley 1970 and Kevles 1985). Did Huxley and Haddon coin the term themselves, or was it in use before 1935? If they were the original source of the term this should be mentioned in the article. Joe D (t) 03:50, 26 February 2006 (UTC)

Anthropologists were using the word "ethnic" by the late 1880s/1890s, to refer to a nation or tribe. Slrubenstein | Talk 13:31, 28 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Name Question

Is there a name for the human species aside from "human" and "homo sapiens"? --myselfalso 01:55, 6 March 2006 (UTC)

The full taxonomic name is homo sapiens sapiens. The first "spaines" is the species designation, the second "sapiens" is the RACIAL designation (race=sub-species).Tmangray 16:45, 15 May 2006 (UTC)

no, it is not. Slrubenstein | Talk 09:57, 18 May 2006 (UTC)

Note to Slrubenstein...Okay, smart guy. If "it is not" then what is it? It's easy to make a statement and not back it up. Give us the answer and earn yourself some credibility.

Don't be obnoxious. And I have no need to "earn" credibility. But, I was unclear. Yes, the full taxonomic name is Homo sapiens sapiens, this is true. The second sapiens is not a racial designation, that is all. Slrubenstein | Talk 10:40, 20 June 2006 (UTC)

[edit] What is this?

What bull is this? "Thus, the parralles that can be drawn from the ethno construct of an activly crontructed nationhood can be miscontrewed as nothing more then delarcoix" Jasper 14:30, 5 June 2006 (UTC)

Besides the obvious spelling errors, it's just someone trying to sound smart. I think it simply means that the view of ethnic groups as being definite is flawed as shown by the difficulties that have arisen in trying to classify people by ethnicity. -Archon Wing 23:41, 12 June 2006 (UTC)
I've removed it rather than try to make sense from it. All the words make sense, but it's almost as if the sentence belongs somewhere else. -- zzuuzz (talk) 00:22, 13 June 2006 (UTC)

From SwordofOdin


I'm aware that the topic of "ethnicity" is controversial if not entirely shunned, especially in the USA, but I have produced a map showing the distribution of META ethnic groups throughout the world. I have never added an image to an ongoing article, so I was hoping people could tell me both how to add this to the side and also if it would be acceptable. Please be kind.


Again, it refers to meta groups, that is, the umbrella ethnicity, so using above discussion as an example, Sri Lankans (Sinhalese) may be a different ethnic group, but they are closely related to the Indic peoples, and this map does not discern the two.

Firstly, if I have made a mistake, let me know. Second, it is difficult to note sources for this map's content (are they even necessary?) but correspondence with other relevant Wikipedia articles as I have seen do not reject the map's claims.

It seems that if the "ethnicity" article isn't simply trying to dispel the idea of ethnicity or race as a whole that this map would be a very helpful and educational resource, at least for cultural anthropology studies and ethnic trends.

The map is goodlooking but not informative. Firstly ethnicity is no loger sen as racial or cultural roots - the unsigned comments explain well how you can learn more about modernday dfinitions of ethnicity. Secondly a map showing majority groups only is less than informative. Thirdly it is completely eurocentric - the different european peoples are much closer related than the chines and the mongols or the inca and the maya or "the africans" all of which are lumped together without comment. Thirdly claiming that the french are gauls and the irish celts and the spanish iberian are iberian (but weirdly american spanish spakers are hispanic??) are only mistaking historical artefacts for modernday ethnicities - do you know any french person who would self identify as a gaul?. Simply the map doesn't seem to know what it wants o show - the actual distribution or the historical distribution of "peoples". It fails to discern between large level modern and historical groups outside of europe while it discerns between lowlevel historical groups inside of europe. What it wants to show is not well defined and so the mapis not helpful I am afraid. Maunus 10:08, 30 November 2006 (UTC)

Replying to SwordofOdin... you map would have been accepted by mainstream european scientists probably up to the late 20th century, however it is now outdated. I will point out one obvious problem. You depict Europe as consisting of numerous different etnicities yest Africa, which is many times it's size, appears under one ethnic label. And you should read more literature by people like Barth, Sian Jones, Jonathon Hall who all point out that cultural traits do not in fact ocnstitute ethnicity. Ethnicity is best summarised as a non-biological social group of individuals who have a SENSE of common descent, history and territory. The borders of this group can be dynamic and changing, not monolithic as the Hispanic, Arabic, etc labels you show on your map. I hope this is of some help. On a subject like this it's crucial that we know what we define what we're talking about.

[edit] deleted NOR/NPOV violation

I do not know whose view this is:

From an objective standpoint, an ethnic group is also an endogamous population, that is, members of an ethnic group procreate primarily with other members of their ethnic group, something which is measurable in terms of characteristic average genetic frequencies. The characteristic of endogamy is reinforced by proximity, cultural familiarity, and also social pressure (in extreme cases, by legal command) to procreate within the ethnic group.

but I know that it is not the view of any major scholar on ethnicity, and it appeared without a verifiable source. Slrubenstein | Talk 12:20, 5 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] New Assessment Criteria for Ethnic Groups articles


WikiProject Ethnic groups has added new assessment criteria for Ethnic Groups articles.

Your article has automatically been given class=stub and reassess=yes ratings. [corrected text: --Ling.Nut 22:56, 16 October 2006 (UTC)] Don't be alarmed if this article is actually far more than a stub -- at least in the beginning, all unassessed articles are being automatically assigned to these values.

-->How to assess articles

Revisions of assessment ratings can be made by assigning an appropriate value via the class parameter in the WikiProject Ethnic groups project banner {{Ethnic groups}} that is currently placed at the top of Ethnic groups articles' talk pages. Quality assessment guidelines are at the Wikipedia:Version 1.0 Editorial Team's assessment system page.

Please see the Project's article rating and assessment scheme for more information and the details and criteria for each rating value. A brief version can be found at Template talk:Ethnic groups. You can also enquire at the Ethnic groups Project's main discussion board for assistance.

Another way to help out that could be an enjoyable pastime is to visit Category:WikiProject Ethnic groups, find an interesting-looking article to read, and carefully assess it following those guidelines.

--Ling.Nut 03:09, 16 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Meaning of "Ethnic"

Well last friday, my father told me that the word "Ethnic" means Heevan. Many others agree to this term.Keenrich 01:07, 4 November 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Ethnicity what is that?


The concept of ethnicity is basically different peoples backgrounds. How can it be right to divided people into different groups? Aren’t we all the same race which is homo sapiens? My opinion is that we are! For people to punish one for where they come from, or how they look is wrong. We are all the same people, we just have different physiological difference. Like skin color, hair color etc. but we can’t all look the same, so why is it wrong in some peoples eyes to be for example black. They are just like us but has another color on their skin nothing else or? Racism is something that has existed in our world for a very long time, and I think that it is the lack of knowledge that leads to this discrimination of people. In the movie Crash, we had people that was use of being miss treated in the society, and those who thought that they did the right thing by treating people from another country like they were below the status of them self. Those who in general people have prejudice against, belongs to the minority groups. They are like the underdogs of the society. The minority groups consists of those who aren’t white in the countries Europe, USA and Great Britain. Like in Europe and USA people that isn’t white live with prejudice’s every day. Afro American people which lives in USA, are one of them who will encounter prejudice’s and discrimination every day of their life. For a black person to not get a job that is available because of their name or background, which is later given to a white person is bullshit. Why have jobs at all when their aren’t available for certain people. Like black peoples, Latin American people etc. The majority group sadly almost to 100% is white people in country like Europe, USA and Great Britain. Of course this isn’t the case in all countries, but in these countries this is a problem in my eyes. For people to not accept other human beings in their country in their world is sick, white people aren’t the only ones on this planet.

Racial difference, therefore should be understood as physical variations singled out by members of a community or society as socially signification. Differences in skin color, for example are treated as significant, whereas differences in color of hair are not. Racism is prejudice based on socially significant physical distinctions. A racist is someone who believes that some individuals are superiors or inferior to others as a result of these racial differences. Prejudice refers to opinions or attitudes held by members of one group towards another. A prejudiced person’s preconceived views are often based on hearsay rather then one direct facts. Every one has some kinds of prejudice towards another person. Someone who is prejudiced against a particular groups will refuse to give it a fair hearing. This is what I meant with people that don’t have the knowledge about those people that they have prejudice against. For a person to grow up with people that dislikes black people for no other reason that they think they are criminals and steel thing from them, often sadly has that effect that they will grow up and have the same prejudiced like his/hers parents. It becomes a bad cycle. Discrimination refers to actual behavior towards the other group. It can be seen in activities that disqualify members of one group from opportunities open to others, as when a black people are refused a job which is given to a white person. I with my own words would describe discrimination like the act of prejudiced, If people have a prejudice that for example that black people are criminals and there is a job offered which is to help out in a store. Then if that chef doesn’t give the job to a black person because he thinks that he would steel or miss behave, then later gives the job to a white person, he discriminates the black person. It know that I have taken this example a lot but it’s a good example.

Rafa-Rafa, showed me how hard it is to come it to a society when you don’t understand the language. When you then try to learn the language people are always discriminates you, for not knowing have to communicate like them who is born in that country. Even though it was just a game it taught me a lot. I have a new understanding of how hard it must be for immigrants. Thou I never have had anything against them because I know so many, I have even moiré respect for them. For immigrants to learn our language if very impressive, They live in our country mostly because they couldn’t stay in their home country, so way not help them instead of disrespect them and discriminate them? I really cant see way or how that makes anything better. Learn from each other like they learn from us. In to day society I get the feeling that people thinks they could walk over immigrants a way they never would have done with they “own kind”. Like in the movie Crash, when the officer sexually abuses that black woman, because she and her husband was black. He thought that he could do what ever to them, with out consequences. That officer probably felt that he would never trust a black person because in his eyes he were better then all of them. Then in the movie Crash we also have the officer Ria who is being seen as a Mexican (which a lot of people think are unreliable and criminals, because the situation in Mexico. Which is that there is a high crimes level there and people are pore so that just make is more stones on a mountain. ) But she is not, she is from both Portugal and El Salvador which is not even near of being a Mexican. But still people didn’t see a problem calling her a Mexican. This whole movie is about racism, discriminations and prejudice. Those concepts are different from person to person but I have told you mine.

You are all seen in a different way depending on which ethnic group you are in. But that changes from person to person also. With that I mean some black people doesn’t live with the same discriminations that other black people do. I think it’s all about money. If you are a high ranking person with money your skin color doesn’t matter, the same as if you are one of many people that has low paying job. With money comes power that every one could have. That shouldn’t be the case, you shouldn’t haft to have money to be accepted in the society. Personally of course I have prejudice against some persons, But I cant say that I hate certain persons, like if I would to hate Jews like the Nazis. That kind of hate is not right, How can some say that they are the “perfect” race of humans, when there are so many others, And just to claim that Jews are the wrong people along with homosexual persons which was their objectives of hate. How? That is a question I have sad to my self but never got an answer. Do you know it, then tell me?

To band together different ethnic groups should be a target for every country in the world. If countries that allows immigrants try to learn about their culture like they learn ours by living in our country, people would have another kind of respect for each other. Maybe they don’t live by our religion if they are Muslims, but they learn our language so why not talk to them? Of course people talk to them, but they also excludes them from being a part of the society. So What can you say, this isn’t something that is going to go away just like that, but it shouldn’t increase. For the fact that we live in a multi culture society today, people should if you say try to accept that there aren’t just white people living her in Sweden, so those who cant accept that we are all the same people we are all made of the same god they can live by themselves and stay there, we don’t need you in our society.—The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs).

You've obviously misunderstood what this is all about. "Ethnicity" is a descriptive (hence not normative) term just like "people with hair on their heads". You have people with red, white, blond, brown and black hair - all belonging to the category of "people with hair on their heads". Now, where did I claim that red hair is superior to e.g. white hair?—The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talkcontribs).

[edit] I have 1½ Hispanic American friends

What are they called when they are oof half Spanish/Mexican heritage and the other half belongs to the Anglo-Saxon majority? -- Toefil Bartlomiej 19:47, 30 November 2006 (UTC) (for some reason there's an error in my signature - User:Teofil Bartlomiej

[edit] ethnicity and nation?

I'm a bit astonished about what I've read in the introduction of this article. In essence there'd be no distinction between a nation (which is defined by ethnic, cultural, linguistic religious etc. ties) and an ethnic group. That cannot be correct. Going just from memory from my college years (in this case anthropology, human geography and history classes) I recall ethnicity only regarded real or perceived descent of a group. I will try to look up my old books, assuming I can still find them, but this could be problematic. Just as an example, take a US citizen whose family originated in Germany, yet he doesn't speak the German language, his knowledge of "German" culture is also largely based on stereotypes. Neverless he styles himself German-American and if asked about ethnicity would consider himself German. Yet by this article's introduction this would be incorrect.--Caranorn 14:06, 13 December 2006 (UTC)

I don't know how you gather that from the following sentence "An ethnic group is a human population whose members identify with each other, usually on the basis of a presumed common genealogy or ancestry (Smith, 1986)" If a Us citizen identifies with the german ethnic group then he is a member. If germans and Americans also identify him as ethnically german then that ethnic identity is strengthened. This is exactly what the lead paragraph says - and exactly why nationality and ethnicity are two completely distinct concepts. Maunus 14:52, 13 December 2006 (UTC)
Maybe this is just my interpretation of the entire introduction,
An ethnic group is a human population whose members identify with each other, usually on the basis of a presumed common genealogy or ancestry (Smith, 1986). Recognition by others as a separate ethnic group, and a specific name for the group, also contribute to defining it. Ethnic groups are also usually united by certain common cultural (behavioural, linguistic and ritual or religious) traits. In this sense, an ethnic group is also a cultural community. Processes that result in the emergence of such a community are summarized as ethnogenesis.
I "bolded" the passage I refer to. Looking at it again I guess I indeed misinterpreted that sentence. Though maybe that sentence could be rephrased slightly, or moved out of the introduction.--Caranorn 15:55, 13 December 2006 (UTC)

Both "ethnicity" and "nation" are social constructions; neither has a "true" or objective form. Unders some circumstances ethnic groups also identify as nations or make claims to nationhood. Nationhood generally is linked in some way to a state (i.e. members of a nation once belonged to a state, identify with citizens of another state (to which they may not currently belong) or claim the right to have a state (this is because nationalism and the idea of the nation developed first during the period of European creation of nation-states in the 17-1800s, and second during the post-colonial period in Africa and S. Asia when former colonies claimed the right to sovereignty. Ethnic groups generally do not claim the right to soveriegnty. But I am making generalizations - there are plenty of exceptions ... because there are no universal objective definitions. Slrubenstein | Talk 10:39, 14 December 2006 (UTC)

I added a bit on the possible overlap. In the German-American example, the question is whether Germans in Germany regard for instance Dwight Eisenhower as a ethnic German, or just as someone with German ancestors. Germans might, but not every ethnic group treats descendants of emigrants this way.Paul111 12:37, 8 February 2007 (UTC)

True enough - this varies from place to place and time to time. Just please, make sure you are complying with our WP:NOR policy and drawing on appropriate sources.Slrubenstein | Talk 12:47, 8 February 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Social Capital Foundation

On excessive edits, possibly amounting to spamming, for The Social Capital Foundation and its founder Patrick Hunout, see User:SiobhanHansa/Checks on IP Paul111 12:37, 8 February 2007 (UTC)

[edit] The "Classification" section should be deleted

There are so many other interesting things to say about ethnic groups, and this is not an article on linguistics. This section should be deleted. FilipeS 15:11, 30 December 2006 (UTC)

I removed it (OR, no source), it is a list of language groups and the assertion that it is an ethnic classification is spurious.Paul111 10:47, 10 February 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Race and appearance: moved definition here

I move this definition here. Although it is sourced, it is more than contestable that "race" can be recognized by external appearance, in particular with recent genetic researches. Some information may be found about that in the UNESCO 1950 statement The Race Question. Here is the removed passage:

“[Races] are populations that may be distinguished phenotypically (i.e. by appearance). 
 Races are not species; they are able to     interbreed, and are fertile when they do.” (Eysenck, 1971)

This article needs to be expanded. Tazmaniacs 18:42, 1 March 2007 (UTC)