Ethiopia (Mythology)

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In Greek mythology Ethiopia (Aethiopia), is the name of a Phoenician Kingdom[1] , which was conceived to be stretching from Syria down to the shores of the Red Sea and included parts of present-day Israel, Jordan and Egypt. The capital was Joppa, a city on the Levantine coast.

According to legend, Cepheus and Cassiopeia, King and Queen of Aethiopia were the parents of Andromeda, wife of the Greek hero Perseus. Andromeda and Perseus, through their son Perses, were ancestors of the rulers of Mycenae, including the great hero Heracles.

The Phoenician-Ethiopians Cassiopeia, Cepheus and Andromeda each feature among the 88 modern constellations of stars.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Conon of Samos, "Narr. 40,"