Ethics in Government Act

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The Ethics in Government Act of 1978 is a United States federal law passed in the wake of the Watergate Scandal that sets financial disclosure requirements for public officials and restrictions on former government employees' lobbying activities.


[edit] Financial disclosures

Members of the upper levels of the executive branch (including the President, Vice President, and other high-ranking officials) must file annual public financial disclosure reports that list:

  • The sources and amount of all earned income; all income from stocks, bonds, and property; any investments or large debts; the sources of a spouse's income, if any.
  • Any position or offices held in any business, labor, or nonprofit organization.

[edit] Employment restrictions

Former employees of executive branch agencies may not:

  • Represent anyone before an agency for two years after leaving government service on matters that came within the former employees' sphere or responsibility, even if the employees were not personally involved with the matter.
  • Represent anyone on any matter before their former agency for one year after leaving it, even if the former employees had no connection with the matter while in the government.

[edit] References

O'Conner, Karen and Larry Sabato. American Government: Continuity and Change. 8th. ed. New York: Pearson Longman, 2006. ISBN 0-321-20918-4

[edit] External links

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