Ethereal (alien)

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The Ethereals are a fictional race of alien beings in the PC game X-COM: UFO Defense. As the masterminds behind the alien invasion, they are among the most powerful creatures in the game, and appear as hooded brown-robed humanoids, similar to monks. They carry weapons and use them, but all Ethereals are endowed with offensive psionic abilities.

Ethereals are particularly resistant to incendiary and stunning weaponry, and are not overly susceptible to any alternative method of attack. The capture of a living specimen will allow the player to research the Ethereals' abilities and duplicate them. They do not appear until later in the game. On Terror missions, base attacks or on larger UFOs, the Ethereals are accompanied by Sectopods.

The alien races of X-COM
X-COM: UFO Defense X-COM: Terror from the Deep X-COM: Apocalypse
Sectoid | Snakeman | Ethereal | Muton | Floater | Celatid | Silacoid | Chryssalid | Reaper | Sectopod | Cyberdisc Aquatoid | Gill Man | Lobster Man | Tasoth | Calcinite | Deep One | Bio-Drone | Tentaculat | Triscene | Hallucinoid | Xarquid Alien Egg | Brainsucker | Multiworm | Hyperworms | Chrysalis | Anthropod | Psimorph | Spitter | Megaspawn | Popper | Skeletoid | Micronoid | Queenspawn | Overspawn