Eta Iota Sigma

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Eta Iota Sigma, or "ΗΙΣ", is a Christian sorority currently located on the campuses of Southern Methodist University and Texas Christian University, The sorority is represented by the Greek letters ΗΙΣ (Eta Iota Sigma). The nickname "HIS" comes not only from the Greek letters (which resemble the English letters H, I, and S), but also from the sorority's motto, "He is Sufficient." The motto comes from II Corinthians 3:5, Eta Iota Sigma's official Bible verse: "Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our sufficiency comes from God."

[edit] History

Eta Iota Sigma was founded at TCU in 1991. A chapter followed at SMU. Eta Iota Sigma continues to grow, not only nationally, but on each campus where it already exists.

[edit] Purpose

The stated purpose of the sorority is to "establish a sisterhood among women on college campuses who seek to nourish their bond with the Lord Jesus Christ"[1].

The sorority also says on their official website that:

By the realization of the idea that God is sufficient to their growth through fellowship and exaltation of the Lord, the members of HIS may serve as a light and appeal to the needs of other women on campus. This idea comes from the Bible verse: "But if we walk in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, purifies us from all sin." (I John 1:17)

The national board of Eta Iota Sigma has decided that it will not establish a chapter at any school where another Christian sorority already exists.

[edit] External links