Estonian parliamentary election, 1932

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Estonian parliamentary elections, 1932 were held on the 21.-23. may 1932. Before those elections major shifts occurred on the political landscape. The Farmers Unions (mostly backed by the "old farmers" and those somewhat more conservative and economically right-wing) and Settler's party (patriotic left-of-centre agrarian) joined forces into the United Peasants Party (not the official name). Different centrist forces (mostly Peoples Party, Christian Peoples Party, Labor Party and Economic Group) formed the National Centre Party.

[edit] Results

Eligible voters: 737,930 (without the army)
Turnout: 495,313 (67.1%) (+ 8587 army votes)
Invalid votes: 3,388 (incl. army); 0.7%
Valid votes: 500,512; 99.3%

Electoral Bloc/Party (Estonian-language name) Votes % Seats
United Peasants Party(Ühinenud Põllumeeste Erakond, ÜPE) 199,035 39,8% 42
National Centre Party (Rahvuslik Keskerakond, RKE) 110,662 22,1% 23
Estonian Socialist Workers Party (Eesti Sotsialistlik Tööliste Partei, ESTP), social-democratic 104,835 21,0% 22
Left-wing workers and poor peasants (Pahempoolsed töölised ja kehvikud), communist, ECP controlled 25,966 5,2% 5
Russian National Union in Estonia (Vene Rahvuslik Liit Eestis) and allies 25,246 5,0% 5
German-Swedish electoral bloc (Saksa-Rootsi valimisblokk), mostly German Baltic Party 15,527 3,1% 3
National Workunion (Rahvuslik Töökoondus), mix of social left and far-right populist ideas 9,597 1,9%
Russian socialist workers and peasants parties (Vene sotsialistlike tööliste ja talupoegade parteid), Russian left 5,191 1,0%
Farmers Society (Põllumeeste Ühing) 4,453 0,9%

[edit] Sources

  • V Riigikogu valimised : 21.-23.maini 1932; Riigi Statistika Keskbüroo = Élections au parlement : de 21.-23. mai 1932; Bureau Central de Statistique de l'Estonie - Tallinn : Riigi Statistika Keskbüroo, 1932

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Estonian referenda Flag of Estonia
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